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Posts posted by Coaster

  1. Just bringing this thread back to life as The Day is tomorrow! Anyone else unnaturally excited about seeing this in theaters again? Ready to relive the glory days of the early 2000s? Do I install neons real quick for the parking lot car show?


    Just go through the accessories isle at Autozone and buy one of everything!


    I want to see the movie on the big screen again but the parking lot should be an interesting show.

  2. In a few weeks I'll be participating in the 2016 Big Sky Rally with Rally North America. This year the rally begins in Billings, MT and after five full days of navigating our way through the mountains ends up in Portland, OR.


    This year we are raising donations for Camp Sunshine, a camp that give children with life threatening diseases and their families an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors together. There is no cost to the families, all the costs are covered by donations through organizations like Rally North America. Any donations go directly to them and are tax deductible, we cover our own expenses.


    If you've read enough then Donate Now otherwise keep reading!





    Our Team:

    Team Impractical is a husband and wife team based out of Circleville, OH. The Big Sky Rally will be our 4th with Rally North America. In addition to the 1200 or so miles we'll cover during the rally our trip from Ohio and back will be 6300+ miles.





    About Rally North America:

    Rally North America is a scavenger hunt style (automotive) multi-state road rally event. The Rally North America is a not-for-profit organization and its events have generated over $500,000 for charity.


    Established in the winter of 2009 Rally North America is aimed at bringing automotive enthusiasts from all over the United States and Canada, together for the purpose of Auto rallying. Each rally organized by Rally North America carries a common idea, driving for a cause. Rally North America believes that by combining the love of the automotive lifestyle and a worthy charity organization, it is possible to do something “good” through the automotive hobby.





    About Camp Sunshine:

    We inspire hope in families affected by life-threatening childhood illness through our unique, supportive program at our beautiful campus on Maine’s Sebago Lake.


    When a child faces serious illness, the entire family is impacted. Camp Sunshine’s mission is to provide respite and support to each family member - children, siblings, and parents. Since its inception, Camp Sunshine has offered comfort, hope, and support to over 43,500 individuals from 48 states and 23 countries. Camp Sunshine is currently the only full-time facility in the nation whose sole purpose is to provide respite for the whole family.


    The families who come to Camp Sunshine have children diagnosed with cancer, hematologic conditions, renal disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and who have undergone solid organ transplantation. They attend illness-specific sessions of varying lengths where they have the opportunity to solidify and renew their relationships while meeting others facing similar challenges. Bereavement programming is also provided for families who have lost a child to the illnesses served at Camp.


    Recreational activities allow children and adults to relax and enjoy the simplicity and beauty of life along the pristine shores of Sebago Lake. Games and other events foster family involvement, encouraging joy and laughter. While at Camp Sunshine, each family stays in their own suite, equipped with two twin beds, bunk beds, a futon, full bathroom, microwave oven, and refrigerator. Mealtimes in our dining room are occasions for socializing and unwinding.


    The Camp Sunshine Program is free!


    All families are sponsored by generous individuals, civic groups, corporations, and foundations. (such as Rally North America)






    Help us send more kids with serious health issues and their families to camp Sunshine!


    We pay all of our own expenses. All donations go directly to Camp Sunshine and are tax deductible!


    Donations of any amount are welcome! Clicking the link below will take you to our team page on Camp Sunshine's website.


    Donate Now





  3. That is kind of the crux - one of the fears the NRA had that caused them to take this course of action was that it went against the premise that you are safer as a gun owner which may have an effect on gun sales. When you suppress information from the public in order to protect the sales of the manufacturers you can't really call yourself an advocate of gun owners (which they do regularly). I sometimes think that a lot of the issues we have in the sphere would resolve in time if more information is shared. Block the information and you have an unresolvable problem.


    I love when people assume that the NRA is funded by the gun manufacturers.


    We are talking about US based manufacturing of precision machined parts. Not exactly a combo that is raking in the dough hand over fist these days. Not to mention that there is a 10% excise tax on sales of completed firearms.


    The NRA has millions of PAYING members that all pony up at least $20 a year. Not to mention the fund raisers and donations they get from their own group of wealthy individuals.

  4. An equally fun video would be to compare the mustang vs the camaro year over year from when they started around maybe the fox body and 3rd gen camaro era.


    It would be neat to see how much base power has grown since the late 80's until now, and see how each model stacked up against each other in those years.


    From around 200-250 hp as they came off the assembly line, to what we have now is just amazing.


    Need a spot in the desert that you can do a 100 car wide drag race. Line up one from every year of each with the newest in the middle and each model descending to the left or right. Snap a pic from the air when the first car gets to the 1/4 mile. Then you'll have a really cool bar chart.

  5. just had another electrician come out, He checked everything, said everything is wired right and tight. Said he thinks that it's the transformer as well. I've called the electric company but they aren't going to come out until tomorrow unless I'm willing to pay the 150 dollar "on call" fee. I've now had 3 separate electricians come out and tell me the same thing, they think it's on the electric companies side. When your parents had these issues, did the electric company replace the items that they damaged? So far my battery backup sump pump system is fried ($500), 11 LED light fixtures at 29.99 a piece, blueray surround sound ($500), cable box ($?), roku 3 ($99), random electrical outlets, the outdoor lighting in the garage, and 5 arc fault breakers are now fried. That's just what I've found so far... I'm at a loss how a company that i pay for is going to charge me to come out on the weekend and they are saying this is because I have power even though lights dim and flicker, etc....


    Call the electric company back and have them come today.


    If the problem is on their side either they will waive the fee or you'll be making an insurance claim anyhow. Insurance should pay out for that fee since it will mitigate any further damage.

  6. I thought CCC was going to be at Byers imports today -- or is that the "other" group?


    That's the other group.


    Always 9am at the Lennox, every week.

  7. There were a couple funny moments but the show seemed like it was two hours long. Chris Evens was pretty much horrible at both in car and in the studio.


    Maybe they'll get it together in a couple seasons if they can last that long.

  8. The child stated his intentions enough that other people overheard it. Then he carried through.


    If he stated he was going to stick a fork in a light socket and his mother turned her back and left him with fork in hand then he electrocuted himself would we not blame her?


    I may not have kids but I know my 3.5yo nephew well enough that if he said he wanted to climb in with the gorillas I'd have him at 100% attention until we were well away from them.

  9. That graphic is really strange... The only issue I ever had with a 36" 480i screen at five feet was my parents yelling at me to back off before my eyes went bad, yet supposedly I'm supposed to be buying a display that might not even exist yet?


    It shows the point at which the human eye can no longer perceive an increase in resolution. It's not so much a "buying" guide as a "not over buying" guide.

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