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Posts posted by Coaster

  1. Yep, let me dig im sure I'll find them. I don't really save the links from FB but I'm sure they are out there.


    Pretty sure Hoblick had a pretty serious issue with Crucial that was totally swept under the rug by them as well. Pretty sure Brian made that situation right and Crucial didn't give a refund or make it right. I'll let him speak to that though.


    IIRC Crucial eventually coughed up a refund for Hoblick after the torches and pitchforks on social media showed up.

  2. The sights and the stops are always amazing. Tony and Scott put in a huge effort every time to make it great.


    For everyone thinking "I need to do this sometime":


    1. You can't wait till the last minute.

    2. Start planning now. Next year will be Pueblo, CO to San Francisco, no dates announced but probably mid July.

    3. Doc or I will post when registration is going to open for non-rally veterans, be online and ready when the clock ticks over.

    4. Prepare to be addicted.

  3. If it's a door that doesn't get hit with the weather usually you'll be fine without it.


    I replaced our back door and could not get it to stop leaking at least a little when it rained because it has no overhang and the weather hits it full on. Once we put the storm door on no more issues.


    It's also nice on the 5 days a year that qualify to open the windows for extra airflow.

  4. Austin at Lucore, dude has always treated me very well (must be all the hand jobs :p).


    on a completely unrelated note...what were the wheels you went with again? too lazy to look back through this thread and Austin just called me to tell me 3 of my 4 wheels are bent.


    Anything I can't do myself I take to Lucore. They've done a great just with the Mustang.


    Northend also did a good job on my wifes car a couple years ago after she hit something on 71.

  5. WTF Clay?


    I'm going to presume you meant well, but that came off as "you fat unhealthy fuck" do better.


    Today was much better, stretched this morning, stretched as soon as I got my boots off, and my wife's exact words "Wow you're walking better".


    I realize that diet and excercise are important, and I think about it, however I would rather die an untimely death then eat vegatables. My diet consists mostly of chicken, beef, and fish, with the typical pepporoni pizza once or twice a week. That is all I eat, nothing else, flat out hate just about everything else. I'm sure it's not healthy but I'm not willing to change and I'll just have to deal with the consequences.


    Are you getting enough water with all the heat we had last week? Today was cooler so if dehydration is cramping your muscles a bit that would also help point to why today was better. Hopefully the stretches do it for you though.

  6. Unfortunately zoning around here has been a ROYAL pain up until very recently, no signage in the yard or marketing on the external walls of the building. We see a TON of traffic up and down Industrial on a daily basis but that doesn't always translate into business. We have some ideas on signage and stuff to do but that's a little bit of a different marketing stream.


    If you don't mind me asking, without you knowing me on here just from driving by what would you think we do? Always nice to know what an honest unbiased opinion is.


    What if that advertising was say painted on the side of a van parked in the last spot by the road. It would be very visible from at least one direction.


    I mostly use Google to find new businesses, unless I'm referred by someone. Facebook I use to keep up with places I already know.


    No one I know ever mentions Yelp anymore. Instagram just seems like twitter with pictures, not enough space to get any info across.

  7. I've ordered from Tire Rack and just had them shipped to the house and then taken them locally for install. If I could of had them shipped someplace like Lucore that I trust not to screw up the install I would have done that.


    The last set I priced out at all the CR hook up deals and couldn't get close to the final price from TR and having them installed here.


    I've had issues with one of the tire places everyone on here seems to love.


    First was a set of directional tires not installed the right way resulting in having to waste time having them fixed.


    The second time they gouged a ring all the way around 2 wheels nearly to the metal. While they paid for them to be refinished I still had to waste half a day running the wheels up and didn't have use of the car for a week while they were being done.

  8. I'm headed out for a country drive around Mad River Mountain, Mac-O-Chee Castle, Valley Hi, and the like. Taking the Slingshot. If anyone wants to tag along in a car or on a bike, you're welcome to. Meeting at 1 p.m. near the Zoo.


    Text or post if interested. 740-405-5565


    I'm guessing "Near the zoo" wasn't a great idea. They nearly doubled their previous attendance record today.

  9. What is really horrible is that this was a money saving decision. At some point in a production meeting they decided to do this to a living animal to save some $$$ on CGI.


    I'd like to throw everyone who was standing there watching this in that pool with their hands and feet tied so they can get a feel for what the dog went through.


  10. Are you talking about on the switch itself or in the door? You can hear and feel each click on the switch with both set up and neither move the window.


    In the door. There should be a sensor to tell the window to stop when it is all the way up or down if you have the auto window feature.

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