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Posts posted by Coaster

  1. Biggest thing that took time for me was getting all the bolts started during re-assembly. After lots of little movements I managed to get it aligned so I could put all the bolts in with my fingers a good portion of the way. The fronts are much tougher because you're going through several plates at once.



    Here is the back on one side. The large hole at the top center of the picture is the best place to use a pry bar to make fine adjustments.





    This is the completed front.




    Here is the jack setup I used to support the cradle while I was moving it around.


  2. A SSD would be a plus even if it's small if you plan to keep it connected for logging. That way vibration or falling on the floor isn't going to damage the drive and screw things up, or at best a spinning drive would park its heads for protection and stop writing and cause the system to hang for a few moments missing data.
  3. ?? Idk anything about getting a job like that, care to inform?


    It's just how you think about your skills and apply them to the job.


    You're obviously mechanically skilled. The number of GM certs you have shows you can learn new systems quickly and apply the knowledge.


    Pretty much everyone they bring in will need fully trained on their systems anyhow since they are pretty specialized.

  4. Investing a little money into more RAM and a SSD would turn either of these into very capable machines at an excellent price.


    I can buy car parts, but if I bring home another computer my wife will kill me...



  5. Please. I'll look into it.


    Thanks, Brian. I need to do another website for my wife's business so I need to dig into the best/simplest website platforms. This is a good way to start.


    If you want I can meet you for a hour or two and walk you through the basic setup. You can also create a trial site for free for 14 days to just play with their software.


    I can't seem to find the referral info anymore. Maybe they ended that.

  6. Guys, I'm not the best at coding. I had an OSU student make some updates to http://www.columbuscarsandcoffee.net back in 2014, but he went radio-silent on me. I will make some content updates, but is anyone familiar with plug-ins for WordPress to pull Facebook pics and YouTube videos?


    Any help would be appreciated.


    Since it's a pretty simple site I'd suggest just moving it to SquareSpace so you don't have to mess with any of the backend software. I'm hosting http://imprtcl.com there just for simplicity.

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