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Posts posted by aussiek2000

  1. Can you get that with a V8?


    I wish. But the 3.5l V6 isn't too bad.


    I really like Toyota and the Tacomas especially, the new look is fantastic. The silky smooth V6 shared with the rest of the family can't be a bad thing.


    But.... I would have a hard time picking a Taco over a new F150 with a 2.7tt. With Ford incentives, prices are about even. Buying through Ricart gives the Ford lifetime power train warranty.


    Nice pick up nonetheless!


    They'd have to be free for me to drive a Ford or Fiat

  2. Hey Austin Congrats on the new Tacoma. It looks bad ass! I'll let you post up some photos tho ;) I am quite jelly


    It couldn't have been better a experience dealing with you, Dean, and the whole Toyota West team.














  3. There are millions of dyno videos on YouTube. For those of you saying this is a normal dyno pull, please link me a video of a dyno pull even remotely this long.


    We pulled a 1991 RX7 for a ungodly length of time back in college. Tires were extremely hot when done and even starting to chunk a little. But I'm wiser now than I was then

  4. I seem to have lost my tape measure. Shell is 2 3/4 for reference








  5. I've seen tuners/owners who run each and swear by it. I don't know that there is really any power to be made/lost on a NA setup assuming intake duct has the same flow SD vs MAF. Its my understanding that MAF can be trickier to tune especially with a big cam. My car has a LS7 MAF and the tuner didn't have much of an issue dialing it in.


    Really all comes down to the tuner.

  6. I've only been on here a short time, so I don't really know anyone or get the "inside" jokes. But I still enjoy reading the new posts that pop up.


    If I see a topic where I can interject some semi-professional knowledge, I try. But for the most part I just sit back and take it all in.

  7. What wax do you use for winter? I just did a weekends worth of waxxing 2 weeks ago, this weekend I have a good opportunity to put on another coat.


    Also need to get some 0w oil soon...


    I've had very good experiences with Menzerna PowerLock sealant. Goes on and off very easily and lasts months.

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