Last July I was diagnosed with type 2. I was 34, 6'3", and 170lbs. It was bit of a shock. My A1C was 12.1, well within the suicidal range, and my fasting level was in the mid 300s. Obviously I'd had it for a while and never knew it. After nearly a year on metformin and cutting almost all refined sugar, my A1C is down to 5.1. The only time of day I haven't been able to get my numbers into non-diabetic range is my morning fasting. It's consistently 115-150. Driving me crazy.
Anyways, when I was first diagnosed it was difficult, mentally and physically. I had wished there was someone I could talk to about it, someone in the same boat. Someone to bounce ideas and questions off. I figured most of you are like family at this point, and if anyone was in the same situation I was a year ago I'd want to help. So, if you're recently diagnosed, have had it for years, whatever, let's chat. We can chat here publicly in this thread, via PMs, whatever.
That said, I'll get the conversation started. Glucometers suck. Anyone using the Bluetooth one from iHealth? I want to sync with my phone. Right now I test and enter the results manually. I forget all the time. Today I entered numbers since October.