My biggest problem isn't really what I ate but when. For as long as I can remember I ate one meal a day, dinner. And I'd eat a lot for one meal. That basically fucked my entire system apparently. The doctor is probably going to take me off Metformin if my next A1C is the same or lower. Just by forcing myself to eat more regularly (and cut out sugar almost entirely, although I sneak a fun size candy bar here and there) I'm able to control the numbers. I've gone a week without taking Metformin (forgot it when I went out of town) and my numbers didn't change. There is no going back, but controlling it with diet is a hell of a lot better than drugs and possibly insulin. Salad sucks. Not drinking beer sucks (tried, fucks me up way too much now). I never want to see a carrot again. Etc... I eat more food now than I ever did, but it's spaced out throughout the day instead of at one sitting. If I were you (and anyone else in the same shoes), I'd go on a diabetic diet. It's basically the same as any other diet. Measure your servings, don't over eat, eat regularly (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack). It's amazing when you start looking at labels how much sugar our foods have. You pretty much have to go fresh food to avoid it, which really isn't all that bad if you think about it. The food tastes way better, and you know it's healthier. I was told that had I started eating healthier earlier I probably wouldn't have gotten diagnosed until much later in life. I don't think you can stop it, but I definitely think you can delay it by just eating better. Of course I'm not a doctor, so ya know... Take whatever I say with a grain of salt.