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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Hmm. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-executive-order-to-punish-social-media-platforms-is-largely-toothless-legal-experts-say-2020-05-28
  2. I didn't drop off the earth, just Ohio Riders for a while.
  3. Giphy integration works. Frickin' awesome.
  4. I'll Tweet out your phone number while we're at it. "For a shitty time, call..."
  5. Let's bullshit about motorcycles, travels, whatever else. Every Wednesday at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Feel free to share with your motorcycle friends. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85023075609?pwd=TEt0VXBHaWFDS25wb0VIVEM0WUdQQT09 Meeting ID: 850 2307 5609 Password: 049654
  6. Just kidding. I was afraid of getting a disease from many of you BEFORE this whole thing. Go wash your hands.
  7. It's been a while since I've done upgrades, so today was the day. Looks like it went smoothly. Let me know if anything isn't working. Thanks.
  8. Didn't know you were building a lake house. You kinda dropped off the face of the planet.
  9. Shame to see you letting it go.
  10. Hell yeah: https://www.amazon.com/120PCS-Solder-Seal-Wire-Connectors/dp/B07S62KYSL/
  11. Dan's getting more action than most folks on here.
  12. Agreed. The other night a bunch of us were on until like 3am just laughing and shooting the shit.
  13. Only worn a couple times. No scuffs or anything. Ended up being too big for me. $175 obo
  14. Absolutely. I PM'd you the link. If anyone else wants it just PM me. I don't want to post it publicly.
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