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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I didn't drop off the earth, just Ohio Riders for a while.
  2. Giphy integration works. Frickin' awesome.
  3. I'll Tweet out your phone number while we're at it. "For a shitty time, call..."
  4. Let's bullshit about motorcycles, travels, whatever else. Every Wednesday at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Feel free to share with your motorcycle friends. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85023075609?pwd=TEt0VXBHaWFDS25wb0VIVEM0WUdQQT09 Meeting ID: 850 2307 5609 Password: 049654
  5. Just kidding. I was afraid of getting a disease from many of you BEFORE this whole thing. Go wash your hands.
  6. It's been a while since I've done upgrades, so today was the day. Looks like it went smoothly. Let me know if anything isn't working. Thanks.
  7. Didn't know you were building a lake house. You kinda dropped off the face of the planet.
  8. Shame to see you letting it go.
  9. Hell yeah: https://www.amazon.com/120PCS-Solder-Seal-Wire-Connectors/dp/B07S62KYSL/
  10. Dan's getting more action than most folks on here.
  11. Agreed. The other night a bunch of us were on until like 3am just laughing and shooting the shit.
  12. Only worn a couple times. No scuffs or anything. Ended up being too big for me. $175 obo
  13. Absolutely. I PM'd you the link. If anyone else wants it just PM me. I don't want to post it publicly.
  14. Bump. Just found this damn thing in my closet again. Someone take this off my hands. Make me an offer.
  15. If you're on the book of face and find yourself being bored, check out this group I created a while back: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pandemichappyhour/. We do daily Zoom drinking. Sometimes nobody joins, sometimes we have 20+ people. It's a fun way to waste time. And the memes aren't bad either.
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