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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Can you screenshot it? Not entirely sure what you're talking about.
  2. Received the following from our host (Digital Ocean). They will be doing some network maintenance tonight from 10pm to 2am that may impact us. FYI.
  3. Cateye's stuff gets crappy reviews anymore. They used to be awesome. I have a VDO currently that's great but doesn't do cadence or HR.
  4. I mainly want the cadence and heart rate functions. I don't really care about GPS or anything like that.
  5. Woot has a great deal on this one, but the reviews on Amazon aren't great: http://sport.woot.com/offers/magellan-cyclo-315-gps-cycling-computer-1
  6. I'm looking to replace my aging cyclometer. I want one with heart rate and cadence. Any recommendations?
  7. Still no clue what you're talking about. It's fully featured on mobile now, unlike how it was before. All it does is resize to fit the screen.
  8. What don't you like? It's better in every way.
  9. I have a feeling this is going to be an epic trip.
  10. https://www.rei.com/product/862419/rei-dash-2-tent Great deal on a compact tent for the bike. I have one very similar and love it.
  11. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/feb/29/brewdogs-open-source-revolution-is-at-the-vanguard-of-postcapitalism
  12. Yup. Looks like I was right.
  13. Looks like rock candy. Mmmm.
  14. Woah. That's a bit strange unless your girlfriend is 80lbs or the mixed drink contained eight shots.
  15. https://www.booster.com/dragonrescue2015
  16. You bought it out from under me? Bastard.
  17. Cloudflare is a CDN/caching service.
  18. Cloudflare encrypts between client and Cloudflare, then reencrypts between Cloudflare and the host. I have it set to SSL Full, meaning it's a legit (not self signed) certificate. They're supposed to use my cert for both legs of the encryption. The error appears to be an RC4 issue. So, something is wrong with the SSL config on Cloudflare's end somewhere. DNS is involved because they become the nameserver. I had to change nameservers to move off Cloudflare to verify this is the issue. Read up on Cloudflare and it'll make a lot more sense.
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