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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I've had three packages they've said were out for delivery multiple days in a row and never delivered. All three I had to eventually go pick up because they just weren't delivering them.
  2. You could probably kick his ass...
  3. Casper


    Sweeeeet. Glad you made it over.
  4. I merged the other two accounts into this one, so your post counts/private messages/etc should all show in this account.
  5. That was honestly pretty disappointing. But it was great seeing @excell and his munchkins.
  6. Interesting. Just using URL forwarding. Updated the link for now. I'll figure it out later. May have to do an Nginx redirect instead to account for http/https.
  7. Since we have a ton of new folks who aren't used to using this forum software, I figured we'd get a tips and tricks thread going. To get this kicked off, "What's New?" is a search stream showing all new, unread content. Many folks have this page bookmarked and go straight to it. Alternatively, you can just visit http://new.ohmo.co.
  8. Casper


    Well now the place has officially gone to shit.
  9. We're rolling with it. I dig it.
  10. https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article.breaking-las-vegas-to-host-formula-1-night-race-from-2023.69O9nKLwKraqAhR5rr8TQg.html
  11. I’m planning on going this Saturday with a few friends. Anyone else getting out for it?
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