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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. Just charge every stupid fuck that signed with treason.
  2. I get what you are sayin'. I had a chic in a Mercedes last night drive up on me at a stop light with her brights on (6pm in the dark on county line Rd) I opened my door and politely asked her to turn off her brights please. She responds "What?" So I ask again very loud. She turns off all her lights then back on and I see her windshield wipers come on. Brights are still on. I leave from the light get over a lane let her pass and watch as oncoming car after oncoming car bright her wanting her to turn off her brights as we drive down county line Rd. Stupid bitch doesn't know how to turn them off. People who can't operate a car safely shouldn't be on the road.
  3. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/421160/november-12-2012/colbert-super-pac-shh----secret-second-501c4---trevor-potter SMH
  4. How many bills have been proposed to get rid of the front license plate? How have all of those gone? Yes we should panic. Oh noes
  5. Funny how everything out of this Alex Jones's website and mouth is a long list of conspiracy theories. Seems like a touchscreen glitch, mine worked fine, if it acted this way I would have demanded a new machine and not cast my vote.
  6. Cougars are not considered one of the "Big Cats" since the lack the ability to roar. Being really close to Cougars out at Butternut farms, it's amazing how fucking quiet while being fast they are when they charge you. Amazing.
  7. I live in the area, I'll keep an eye out.
  8. The truck was his employer's I hope they go after them too, the owner handed him the keys.
  9. Are you all sure that isn't Anthony? :gabe:
  10. You know this fucker had no Ins either I bet. No license in 20 years 6 OVIs 0 fucks given.
  11. I wasn't happy at the phone calls I got at 11pm waking me asking if we were OK. Though it felt good to be loved.
  12. It's a Black 2005 STi Trish, this was on the thread I started on your board.
  13. Oh Christ where are the Kennedy's when you need them?
  14. MacBook Pro MackBook Air combigned with a Thunderbolt display. Oh wait you are talking about just buying a HD....
  15. Anyone who can't do this clearly voted Obama. :masturboy:
  16. Jason i'm not an Apple genius but I'll try to help handle this: http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/11/09/y6etyhyg.jpg This is under Settings>iTunes&App Stores>Automatic Downloads on/off Do this on each iOS device if that is what they are using.
  17. Well the Russian in the article is running out of time.
  18. Girls grow faster and are bigger at that age, she has an advantage, later she will not. It is fun to watch. Then when you look at it from a coaching perspective they're most likely not passing at all, so 11 in the box it is, and well when you poke through, you are at the top of the defense. I'm sure there are all kinds of kids running like this as pee-wee is all about missed tackles. I will say at the end she tackles better than most NFL LB, CB, and S.
  19. Romney set out to fuck with women's rights, any married male with half a brain knows you don't go there. Women don't want to be told by some fucking religious nut based on what HE believes what women can and can't do with their bodies. And since there are more women in the country than men, well he had a pretty hard uphill climb with a foot in his mouth with at least 25-30% of the total population of the US done and decided on that remark alone. I spoke to several very wealthy women, and they said he scared the shit out of them and they would gladly pay extra tax than see Romney as a leader. And if you are going to point out 93% of blacks voted for Obama and hint they only voted for him because he's black, there was 80% of white males voted Romney. Racism is alive and well in the country.
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