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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. I had a set of Continentals once, they would flat spot every night and take 5-10 min of driving to go away. So annoying, don't think I will ever buy again.
  2. JP, he's a orthopedic surgeon. His hands make a shit load of money. And I respect that he thinks of the family and doesn't take that risk. Some take the risks associated with racing some don't and feel they have too much to lose. I had them write into my life insurance policy 1/4 mile and track racing. The rate is the same if you do it once or weekly. This way if I decide once a year to have a bit of fun, I'm covered. I have turned down a couple private flights on small aircraft. My policy clearly states flight only on commercial airlines or no payment. For what we pay for my policy, I refuse to take the risk on that. I had to turn down spreading my father's ashes over the Grand Canyon, he was a pilot and so were his friends. They flew over in a private aircraft and released his ashes over the canyon. Tough decision, but I didn't go, I put my family first.
  3. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/10/31/ane5ytag.jpg
  4. I hear they think the original cast is at a perfect age for episode 6, 7, 8 (25 years later).
  5. Did Ben Roethlisberger take over this account?
  6. Jimmies. Must be a different GTI then.
  7. No problem guys, I'd like to thank Tim for saving my images of ya'lls cars. Tim says I had my camera all set up fubared. LOL
  8. I don't expect you to see them but when someone doesn't take the bait the second, third or 4th time move on. There might be a reason. To be truthful I am rarely in the car by myself. Usually only to and from work, my car is a schoolbus most of it's life right now. If you looked inside the car you should have seen the 2 huge car seats in the back. LOL FWD
  9. On Tapatalk you don't see location.
  10. Didn't think of maintenance. Good point.
  11. Me two, we were pricing a small battery one a bit over 60k though. That's a tad high, I mean crap we could buy an awfully nice gas car for $40-45k (BMW335xi comes to mind). Granted we spend $250 in gas a month on one car and you could essentially roll that $$ into the payment since you wouldn't pay for gas for it anymore. I think they claim $6-7 a month to charge it?
  12. Mine are on, when I got my summers off I was surprised to see some serious uneven wear on all of the tires. Wore through to the steel on the inside edge of one of the tires. But the middle and outside edges have much more rubber. Guess I need to take IPS up on a $50 alignment. I was told that the stock alignment was pretty bad from the factory. I guess they were right.
  13. Damn I want to do some rolling pics. Nice shots and car!
  14. All three look a shit ton better than the raw image. I really need to learn more PS.
  15. You have tried on several occasions, quit doing that when I have my kids in the car. Not gonna happen with them on the car.
  16. Will see, Tony Stark is awesome.
  17. LOL that looks 100 times better than the raw image. I suck so bad.
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