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Everything posted by owndjoo

  1. Hey guys, I know a lot of you already know me from my years on here both as a street guy, STT instructor, and road racer. I just wanted to announce my sponsorship on here for my business. I am a personal financial planner for Skylight Financial Group. We are partnered with MassMutual and MassMutual Investor Services, LLC. I know often times people wonder what a financial planner actually does, and I would love to answer anyone's questions. Here's a real quick breakdown of services. Comprehensive financial plans- These are done through an entire team dedicated to processing and analyzing clients' financial lives in order to put together a plan of attack to reach each client's financial goals. Income protection- disability and life insurances Investments- Anything from 401k rollovers, brokerage accounts, college planning, IRA's, mutual funds, annuities, managed accounts, and many other ways to secure clients' financial futures and retirements. Taxes- Finding ways to minimize tax exposure Wealth Accumulation- Create and maintain adequate cash reserve strategies Estate Planning- Planning for being ready in case of a tragic loss, setting up a legacy, limiting inheritance tax exposure. This is only a small fraction of the type of business I can do for any prospective clients. My personal experiences are mainly with firefighters, police officers, and small business owners; however I am currently taking on new clients while growing my practice. There will be a banner up sometime soon, thanks to Ben. Feel free to call, email, or message me with any inquiries you may have for yourself or someone you know.
  2. American Colorscans here in columbus. http://www.colorscans.com Used to drag race with the owner and did my vinyl work on the roadrace bikes. They do full size race haulers too BTW Bruce is the owner's name. He's a big time motorhead
  3. my first year hazing in the kink came compliments of Robert Jensen the weekend he set the track record (1:06.22 IIRC), I was on a scrub lap on my SV and he came BLISTERING by me on the outside in the kink on his 1000.... literally almost knocked me off the bike. that is a fuuuun corner, kink, whatever, haha. just remember "open thrattle facking poooosy" lmao
  4. gotta love grattan... I however have a seriously bad relationship there... I think i've thrown a bike down on every visit... SMH. it is a blast to ride though, just watch out for those pesky pit lane guard rails.... they hurt! hahaha
  5. same guy who owns callahans downtown right? I'm planning on coming with the fam, they want to do a belated bday dinner thing anyway on wed. haha
  6. I have drill this weekend...
  7. Sounds good to me!! Brian def. knows how to manage a bunch of tools lol.
  8. He does sometimes (barber). But having a hot young gun like Huntley on it puts the bike up farther in the field which helps gain attention and hopefully some sponsors. Sometimes you have to give up the reins so the team can grow.
  9. THIS... I know of two cross-country transport company owners. one with only dodges, the other with ford... guess who's looking to sue ford over engine issues?? haha Dodge all the way.
  10. the rank structure. once you make Lt. Col it's time to transition to commanding troops over being a pilot in the AF. Whereas with Warrant Officers, they can keep flying for their career. Like the Army Helo pilots
  11. i agree with the pilots being yanked out of plans after 10 years... it's just ridiculous. Bring back the Warrant Officers so you can just fly and be done with it. Pilots don't want to hang up their wings to command... most of them at least.
  12. go read the book "The Numbers Game". You're reading statistics wrong. Yes you are more likely to be in an accident close to home, because you have to drive close to home ANY time you leave the house. But to break it down real quick here. 5 mile commute= chance within 5 miles. 30 mile commute=chance within 5, plus chance within the next 25. You have to ADD the amounts together for EACH of the longer trips. so you go from the 52% number at 5, to now the much larger number of 77% within 15... now double that distance, each way, everyday... I'd almost guarantee 30 mile commute would cover 90% of crashes.... from the same poll : Only 17% of those polled experienced accidents beyond twenty miles from his or her home
  13. that's so badass brian!! so glad to see yet another top tier setup coming out of Ohio. what is that, 3 superbike teams now? and Vesrah's new HQ... Ohio is really shaping up haha.
  14. lol well played. that'd be a tough obstacle to get around, especially in the rain! hahaha
  15. looks like a great bike! drooooling glws
  16. pirelli superbike pro slicks are my #1 favorite tire. I used to run them with a 190 rear on my 07 gsxr600. just insane amounts of grip, and with the 190 you could really hammer on it leaned over, good contact patch and like you said, great feedback, which is my #1 want in a tire.
  17. Jamboree in the Hills was this weekend also. another 70,000+ people out camping/partying off 70 out east. I saw a bunch of this stuff on my way back from that.
  18. if nothing else, clean it up and resell it for a quick profit. Its nice to get a good deal, drive it for a few months and make a lil coin on the deal.
  19. Missed this... we were out a little after 1. pretty choppy but made for some good times. hope you were able to make it
  20. Nothing like raising over a million when your goal was $20k... Well played
  21. i believe it was at Galena
  22. how about the guy who sank his boat at the launch on saturday? lmao. he forgot to put in the drain plug. backed it off, tied it to the pier and went to park his truck. got back and she was going under... smh. poor guy.
  23. had a friend pulled over for this a few years ago. he flashed his lights, and didn't realize it was another cop coming toward him. Cop went off on him about it, but no ticket.
  24. def dig the c7 back end. They have finally gone more "supercar" with the styling instead of just a normal car design. Props on the cutting edge styling
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