remove cops and see how quickly chaos spreads. I am a military policeman, myself. I work with LOTS of civilian officers both in the military and as a civilian. Using grossly biased negative media as a reference for your own prejudices is not based on facts. We were just talking about this the other day, the stealing that is. It is VERY common for an officer to have been accused of stealing by one or more suspects. This happens all the time and MOST of the time is unfounded and based on the suspects trying to get the officers in trouble. No matter, internal investigations are launched over each and every incident. Yes, just as in any profession there are going to be bad eggs. That is why departments have made the hiring process EXTREMELY rigorous. You can't sift out every bad seed, however the media and individuals like yourself constantly focus only on the negative. Just like how people focus on the negatives with gun control, people want the general population to consider these events to be "the norm", when in fact they are quite rare.