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Posts posted by John

  1. What's the desired outcome? Is it to end the chase' date=' to catch the speeder? If it's the former, then ending pursuit is the quickest and safest way to end the chase. What's the point in endangering the lives of other drivers to catch some punk on a bike? With cameras and helicopters available, it's kind of silly to thrust a 4000lb cruiser down the road at 100mph for a moving violation, turned felony. Not even a major felony, at that.[/quote']

    yeah but they keep chasing anyway b/c they want to be roscoe from dukes of hazzard...

  2. NOPE!

    The problem with raising the speed limit is too many people can't drive already. Adding more speed to their non driving ass would be bad. Then you have the other people who can't even do the speed limit as it is now. Those people are straight terrible and can be dangerous as well.

    I wish there was some way to have graduated licensing in the US. I can handle a vehicle at high rates of speed and have the instincts and reaction ability to do so. More than 50% of drivers cannot however

    dude, its only 5 mph. its not like they are raising it to 90.

  3. we can't say how much coverage you need... how much coverage you need is simply a function of what assets you have to protect.

    if you make 20K per year, rent an apartment, and the only things you own are your crappy 15 year old bike and a similarly crappy 15 year old car, you only have 1000 bucks in your checking account and no investements, then you aren't going to need as high of a liability limit as someone who makes 150K per year, owns a 300K house and has 90K in mutual funds.

  4. Wait so she wasn't paying attention to her kids well enough to notice them eating a used condom, yet she's suing for negligence? Innnnteresting. Didn't know McDonalds ran a babysitting service. This country is f*%ked.

    from the article:

    The suit accuses McDonalds Corp. and McDonalds of Illinois of failing to properly clean hazardous debris from an area used by children.

    i don't really think it has anything to do with mcdonalds being a babysitting service at all... i think the point is that it should not have been there in the first place.

  5. I have a hideous king&queen seat I may let go, super comfy but ugly as sin. No rips, fiberglass pan.

    i actually have one of those in my garage now lol. thanks though :)

    i was looking for a stock seat. the stock seat i have, the foam is OK but the cover is shredded. may just try a new cover first and see how it goes. never recovered a seat though...

    I have some other random part I believe in my garage if you need. I ratted/bobbed out a '72. If your interested I can get a list of what I have.

    yea man definitely. post up here, or just shoot me a PM :)

  6. I've had my fair share of ACDA accidents...it happens (not on duty). That is why they are called accidents. .

    they aren't called accidents, they are called collisions. ;)

    an accident is something that cannot be reasonably foreseen or predicted and cannot be avoided. accident implies that it just happened out of the blue and there was nothing you could do to avoid it. when you rear end someone, that is not the case.

    a collision is a result of choices made and risks disregarded.

    word choice matters.

    Common misconception!

    i would love to belive the blue code of silence does not exist, but things like abner louima, max siefert, anthony acosta, otto zehm (and about a thousand more) can really make a person wonder ya know?

  7. And speed just killed six kids in an SUV.

    what about the fact none of them were wearing seatbelts? what about the driver not having a license? what about driver inexperience? was alcohol involved (still waiting to see)? now they're reporting the car was stolen too...

    to say that SPEED killed them is extremely short-sighted and is quite disingenuous.

    the fact is, speed is rarely a PRIMARY cause of crashes. it can contribute sure, but its not a PRIMARY cause. its usually secondary or even tertiary.

    the NHTSB did a crash causation survey of crashes that took place betwen 2005 and 2007, and found that "travelling too fast for conditions" was only about 5% of critical pre crash events. more significant factors were driving off the road (22%) or crossing the center line (11%).

    when they determined driver error was the primary cause of the crash, they looked into what was the critical reason behind the driver error.

    distraction/not paying attention was 41% of the errors. 10% was crappy driving skills, either freezing up or overcompenstaing. 8% were asleep, or having a heart attack. 8% were for driving too fast for conditions, 5% driving too fast on a curve.

    a 2003 virginia study found similar results, that DISTRACTIONS are a primary cause of crashes MUCH more than speed alone. not to say that speed can't contribute. it definitely can. but again, its not the primary cause. it's secondary or tertiary. but somehow they love to tell us SPEED KILLS. the truth is, not paying attention kills more than speed does.

    you can read the NHTSA study and results here: http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811059.PDF

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  8. looking for a seat for a 73 CB750... pretty sure they are the same from 72-76.

    have my eye on a couple on ebay, but figured id ask here. i'd rather buy from an OR member than some random guy on ebay.

    shoot me a PM, or just reply here and let me know :)

  9. looking for a seat for a 73 CB750... have my eye on a couple on ebay, but figured id ask here. i'd rather buy from an OR member than some random guy on ebay.

    shoot me a PM, or just reply here and let me know :)

  10. If we are going strictly by the video and not accounting for any violations having occurred prior, it appears the captain is at fault for ACDA and the rider is at fault for impeding the flow of traffic. Primary cause of the crash can be argued, it's a chicken and egg scenario.

    im guessing you mean 4511.22 as "impeding the flow of traffic"

    4511.22 Slow speed.

    (A) No person shall stop or operate a vehicle, trackless trolley, or street car at such an unreasonably slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when stopping or reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or to comply with law.

    boom. roasted.

    1. blocking the reasonable movement of traffic? doubtful. you can see the car in front is braking too. everyone is slowing down.

    2. necessary for safe operation. that car has its turn signal on. as riders, we know that you dont want to get up next to a car that is signalling that it wants to get in your lane. cars don't see bikes. just like the video with the caddy...

    there is no chicken and egg scenario. you are responsible for leaving a safe stopping distance, period. the only way the bike would be at fault would be if he was reversing up the street, or stopped for absolutely no reason to try to intentionally cause an accident. obviously there is a reason he is slowing down. if there was no traffic anywhere and he just stopped. then yes, i would agree, but its very clear watching the video that his slowing is necessary for safe operation.

    traffic is not moving at 45+ either, so im not really sure where that came from.

  11. really how many kids do you think are commuting? id wager that the majority of students live either ON campus or just east of high in the neighborhood.

    im sure there is a decent number of commuters, but you gotta also think its not just students. there's staff and faculty too. sure some of them are coming in regardless of break, but im sure a decent amount of employees are taking the week off too.

  12. so what's could be the "full story"? again, as another poster asked, what could we know outside the video that would change things?

    oh, right,

    "Maybe nothing. Maybe everything..."

    how compelling... why didnt anyone else think of that? what would "maybe everything" entail?

    i mean honestly, the video seems pretty clear. the cop rear ended the biker, then starts in immediately on the rider like it's his fault the cop was following too closely and not maintaining an assured clear distance ahead.

    i mean, really how is this OK? is this how an officer (and a captain no less) should handle himself after causing a traffic accident?

    i am curious as to what kind of extenuating circumstances could there be that would make this not as bad as it looks...

  13. Are you watching the same video as me? He was passing the whole time, not hovering on the blind spot. He started level with the vehicle behind the caddy.

    passing the whole time? it takes 20 seconds to pass a car?

    either thats the longest cadillac in the world, or he is "passing" at .1 mph faster than the car is going, which isn't really "passing" at all.

    now, i wouldnt exactly say that he's riding in the blind spot the whole time either... but honestly, if that's a pass, he needs to either shit or get off the pot. make it snappy and make the pass. if you're going to hang back, then hang back.

    dude did it WAY too slow IMO. i mean, if you figure the camera bike is moving at the same speed (which it looks like), just look at how slowly he passes that black nissan (which seems to be going about the same speed as the caddy). he is next to that car like 5 seconds longer than he needs to be.

  14. City folk :nono: 90% of the time all my stuff is unlocked and keys in it, plus I live next to my parents and they are like watch dogs..lol

    Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

    truth be told, i have been burgled more in the country than i have in the city. car was broken into multiple times, shit stolen out of our barn. house broken into multiple times...

    sometimes it's worse because there's no one around to spook them or scare them off... they can steal all your shit and take their sweet ass time doing it.

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