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Posts posted by John

  1. regarding newbies leading or following in groups, from the OH motorcycle operator manual:

    Choose a lead rider and a sweep rider. These should be the most experienced

    riders of the group. The lead rider should look ahead for changes

    in road, traffic or weather conditions, and signal early so the word

    gets back in plenty of time to the other riders. The sweep rider is

    the last rider in the group, and sets the pace for the group. Place

    inexperienced riders just behind the leader. That ensures that they

    won’t have to chase after the group, and the more experienced

    riders can watch them from the back.

  2. This is the focal point of my opinion. She's not a newb. She's not a midget. She's not a little girl. She can probably ride any bike she wants' date=' honestly. Inseam is a big factor for ride height. Almost as important as confidence and ambition. Almost.[/quote']

    if this 5'5" manlet can ride this r1200GS she should be fine riding whatever she wants.


    • Upvote 2
  3. the degree of the curvature of the road has fuck all to do with it. target fixation can happen anywhere.

    of course there is a lack of competence (having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully). he's a new rider. he did not have the experience, knowledge or skill to realize what's happening and take corrective action...

    as experienced riders, we know what to do in these kinds of situations. we know that you look where you want to go, and we know that if you start going where you dont want to, how to take corrective action. we don't start to panic over it, and if we do, we have the knowledge and skills to overcome the panic. new riders may not.

    we know that you look where you want to go. it sounds so simple, but honestly, for a new rider in a panic situation it becomes perhaps the most difficult thing to do. a new rider doesnt want to go into the wall, so he looks at it to make sure he doesn't go there (inexperience). then he starts going that direction, which causes him to panic, because he's going right where he doesn't want to. the natural response to panic is to fixate on the immediate hazard. so he's still heading the wrong way, which makes him panic more, which makes him fixate more and so on...

    panic impairs perception and judgement. so much so, that he ends up going straight into the guard rail instead of negotiating the slight curve.

  4. Always defend your family


    if you shoot an officer, I'm positive the rest will react. With bullets.

    Yup definitely. Your only saving grace is that cops are like storm troopers and usually suck at shooting... you may get lucky and only catch one in the leg from the 73 rounds they fire.

    The other thing too, they should announce themselves so that you know its police. But if they didnt announce themselves, do you really think any of them would admit that in court?

  5. lol dominos can find the right house but "highly trained" police departments cant.

    there would be no accountability. they'd sweep it under the wrong and admit to no mistakes or wrongdoing. someone would probably get a paid vacation out if the deal. then they'd just go do it again somewhere else. and anyone who knew what the problem really was, and who's fault it was would just lie to cover for their buddy.

  6. And that Honda looks a lot like a Ducati 748 tail section and swing arm... I know it has HRC stickers on it and you can see "HONDA" in some of the other shots, but the resemblance is striking, especially with that color scheme.

    i think it's an NC30 (vfr400)


    that has a ducati wheel on it though... the honda wheel has more spokes. but you can see the tail section here.


    def has a 748 look to it though.

  7. here's what happens in tennessee: the "drug task force" pulls over out of state vehicles, hoping to find cash they can seize based on it being "suspected" as drug money. they take the money and no charges are filed (because you really didn't do anything illegal). then they use that money to continue to fund their "drug task force". its pretty much just policing for profit. they dont care about the drugs. they only want the money. if you want your money back, hire an attorney and spend 4 months going back and forth from your home state to tennessee to get it back. protip: this can cost more than the amount of cash they stole from you, so its not really worth it for you to fight it. but it's worth it for them because they get to keep your cash and continue policing for profit.

    the first guy in this video they pull over, seize his cash, and then they release him with no charges... if he's a criminal and it truly IS drug money why not charge him? they aren't interested in that, they just want his money so they can keep their racket in business.

    around the 4:30 mark, look how the cops from one task force block in the cop from another task force, then another incident is shown where one task force cuts in front of the other task force and tries to take the stop he made... just so THEY can get the money. why would they be doing this if it wasn't strictly about cash?


    here's another video:


    they steal 20K from a guy, tell him "prove its not drug money".

    the cop looks like a real classy dude too with his neck tattoo... nothing quite says "i'm trash" like a tattoo on your neck.

    the greatest part is at 3:15.

    cop: 1k cash could be used to buy 2 ounces of cocaine

    reporter: or it could be used to buy a car.

    cop: its possible.

    reporter: did he tell you he was going to buy a car?

    cop: he did

    reporter: but you did not put that in your report

    cop: ... if its not in there i didnt put it in.

    reporter: why would you leave that out?

    cop: ... uhhh i dont know...

    what a fucking piece of shit. oh wait, no i forgot... this guy is such a HERO for getting all that dangerous money off the street and into his department's pocket! :rolleyes:

    one more...


    just tell us where the cash is, we don't care where it came from... we will let you go, just give us the money...

    interestingly enough:

    "We also found cases in the Dickson area where subjects admitted that the money was from drugs. Not only were they released, but we're told that the video evidence of those stops was later destroyed."
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