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Everything posted by John

  1. a cigarette will not ignite gasoline except in hollywood movies. you need a spark or an open flame to do that. an already lit cigarette around gasoline is not really dangerous. lighting one up is extremely dangerous, as the open flame from the lighter can ignite the vapors. it is ignite gasoline with a coal or ember, but it needs to be much hotter than a cigarette gets and needs a lot more surface area too.
  2. lol that is seriously the stupidest thing i have ever heard.
  3. hmm thats a little far to throw my rock. how about 10 paces?
  4. i'll let it slide THIS time... just don't let it happen again.
  5. yeah, i never said it was the same.. but thanks anyway... i was only responding to the part that i quoted where he said there is no enforcement for car insurance unless you get caught driving without it.
  6. you have never received the random letter from the state asking you to prove that you have insurance. http://bmv.ohio.gov/faq_random_selection.stm
  7. id choose a rock over a hi point. it will be much more reliable in the long run lol.
  8. Socialism is an economic system characterised by social ownership and/or control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy.
  9. its in the politics section. here's how you n00bs can view it. go to user CP > group memberships and choose the politics box.
  10. hell yeah. its much more fun to ride a slow bike fast
  11. they should go to SE ohio.
  12. ohh yeaaa. i love that stuff. have you had their chocolate milk? its so good.
  13. damn his junk was right out there for everyone to see? at least put some boxers on or something...
  14. i saw that too this article had a pretty hilarious quote: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/medical-examiner-only-marijuana-found-in-system-of-fla-man-in-face-chewing-attack/2012/06/27/gJQAqT8n7V_story_1.html lol riiiiight....
  15. there is no standard bill of sale. you could write it out in crayon on a bar napkin if you wanted to... google "vehicle bill of sale" there are tons of downloadable ones that you can print off if you want. usually it has just what you said. year, make, model, vin, sale date, and both party's name, address etc. here's a pretty standard one http://siy.cars.com/pdf/carscom_bill_of_sale.pdf
  16. really? ive never had a tow truck snitch on me, and ive been towed out of some pretty hairy situations before. one guy even told me he was going to hurry up and pull me out quickly before a cop drove by so i wouldn't get a ticket. id be pretty salty if i found out the tow truck driver snitched.
  17. yeah jenis is pretty good. a bit over priced, but still good.
  18. more pics or it did not happen.
  19. id rather have deer everywhere than have this everwhere: http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/ i swear that place is an attractant for WT.
  20. they are all over the place because people think its cool to tear down the woods to put in some crappy condos and a walmart... just what we need... good call guy! wal mart is SO MUCH BETTER than woods
  21. meh. snakes dont bother me at all. i would have just reached down, grabbed it and tossed it off... hell, dude had leathers and gloves on... it aint gonna hurt ya
  22. they learned to suck by watching your mom. LOL ZOMG SICK BURN!!!!!!!111
  23. http://www.opengpstracker.org/build.html
  24. make your own: http://hackedgadgets.com/2009/04/03/open-gps-tracker-using-cheap-cell-phone/
  25. all the fork lock does is keep honest people honest. thats it. if someone wants your bike bad enough, the fork lock is not going to deter them AT ALL, and having it locked is not going to take them any more time at all... they will just pick up front wheel, throw bike in van/truck and its gone. just like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D96QM-lzLM8 skip to about 3 minutes to see the actual stealing.
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