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Everything posted by John

  1. could be this guy http://www.facebook.com/EsotericDetail
  2. ITT: massive butthurt from all directions maybe its time to get off the net for a while and go for a ride or something...
  3. the title law for OR bikes went into effect july 1, 1999. if the bike was manufactured after that date, then it should have a title.
  4. well, certainly not with that attitude. if mean you are missing your hands and are physically incapable, thats one thing. but if you have two hands you CAN do it! don't be scared it's easy. pretty sure that cable just screws into the housing. search on google if you need more detail. or even youtube. youtube is a great resource so you can see how stuff is done.
  5. John

    I didn't die!!!

    yeah i was on the moto escort crew. im in earache's pic in the middle with the reflective stripe on my pants... i actually have met rolla before too. he did some paint work for me like 6 or 7 years ago. that is seriously BA that he rode the bmx. thankfully i did not see anyone injured. only had to call in once for a mechanical failure i couldn't handle. then a few minutes later a trek support truck pulled up and helped out. other than that i helped change or pump a few tires, and put a handful of chains back on for people. it was definitely awesome seeing all the people outside hanging out and cheering. outside alexandria there was a family at the end of their driveway and one of the kids was wailing on a drum set.
  6. John

    I didn't die!!!

    hah i totally saw that dude on the BMX. when i rode past him i was like wow thats pretty hardcore!
  7. you're really over thinking this. as long as the hose is not kinked, either way is fine.
  8. i always use this when im selling stuff and taking money via paypal www.ppcalc.com so if i want to get 100 bucks for the item, then the item is priced at 103.30... if i want 25 bucks, the item costs 26.06 etc etc etc
  9. yup. its important to remember, its your FIRST bike, not your last one. motorcyclists go through lots of bikes too... i mean hell, i have three in my garage right now, and ive owned about 5 more than that... i bet if you took a poll on here the majority of people have owned more than one motorcycle in their life...
  10. the course is designed for people who have never operated a motorcycle, so you will be fine if you have never ridden at all before. the shadow is a pretty heavy bike. as a beginner you would hone your skills much better on something a little lighter. your first bike is not something you "grow into". you develop your skills on it. the first bike is to master basic riding skills, develop confidence and street survival strategies.
  11. remeber, they have like 2 million posts on gixxer.com, so your question has been asked before. make sure to use the search.
  12. if youre this guy, theres no problem for them to know each other...
  13. championship. he only won one championship with ducati.
  14. http://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20120725/inwood/cops-paint-over-inwood-mural-that-depicts-nypd-as-murderers NYPD paints over mural on private property because they dont like what it says...
  15. John

    Holmes has fans

    wait, i thought i raff i ruse?
  16. John

    Holmes has fans

    thinking is too hard. its too much to ask to see things from another perspective. its much easier to just say im right and everyone else is wrong, and not think about the whats hows and whys. it is because it is. the world is black and white. no shades of gray... ignorance is bliss. honestly, i feel like most people aren't posting here to actually have a rational exchange of ideas and viewpoints... they just want to yell and scream and tell you why you're a cockhead. as if their opinion carries more weight than anyone elses...
  17. John

    Holmes has fans

    ooh do me next! tell me what i think about stuff and what my motives are!
  18. John

    Holmes has fans

    its so awesome that you KNOW exactly what's going on in magz head and his motivations. it just makes me wonder why are you not using your psychic powers to win the lottery or something? maybe magz is able to objectively look at both sides of an issue, and is just playing devils advocate presenting the other side of the coin? it really seems like a lot of people on here have blinders on and are absolutely incapable of looking at an issue from more than one side... and then they get so butthurt and take it personally and then they go to name calling and stuff like that... thats how civilized people have an open exchange of ideas right? then again, people dont seem to WANT to have an open exchange of ideas like rational people.... they just want to argue for the sake of arguing i guess...
  19. John

    Holmes has fans

    the butthurt is strong ITT.
  20. John

    Holmes has fans

    lol page 3 and people are STILL straight getting trolled. good job magz! keep rustling their jimmies.
  21. what kind of insurance? liability? comp/coll? are you worried about crashing? theft? for some ins. companies non-competition and rider improvement courses may be already covered. go read your current policy, you may already be covered.
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