What would you tell yourself?
I would tell myself not to throw away a free college education in order to have "some time off", only to have to pay for college starting at 20.
I would also have started my family earlier (instead of waiting until I was 30).
I use about 10 add-ons that are free and work great. For example, FoxyProxy, Adblocker, NoScript, ImageZoom, TabPlus...
free shit that makes surfing "better".
NOOO fuxking thank you.
We tried every which way in our Vegas hotel room to make that crap taste good - including the whole pouring over a sugar cube on a special spoon - and none of the 8 of us cared for it. Kind of a waste since a military buddy snuck it from Europe.
Got ya covered. BTW, the more I think about it, that car may even have a smaller than 5.3 in it. It was on CL a while back, when I traded e-mails, I want to say it was actually the smaller 4.x truck engine.
Wow, that just made my heart stop. A very good old friend of mine is also named Ryan Williams, and that freaked me the Hell out.
Sean, sorry you lost a buddy, man.
Once the neighbor's kids are home, and mine are in bed, I'll be sipping on this, in between beers.
By the way, what pregame?
OK - it may not look like it, but this red thing for sale above me is going to turn into an egress window and a half bath.
You know, if it ever sells.