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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Latest in a long line of B.S., junk gimics to rape people's wallet. No real mechanic names. No real shop names. No pictures that enlarge to show you the miracle device. No contact info. No prices. No way to buy. Here is one of their other miracles... a Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter http://www.preignitioncc.com/HCM/
  2. I replied earlier, but it is gone. Fucking Mods. Yes, there were witnesses, and at least one has already written out an incident statement. The witness's version matches. She is an advocate for the children at this center. A room full of employees were yelling at the kid, she tried to enter the room, and what amounts to a principle removed her and screamed at her, stating she was butting-in. Her job is to be there to protect the student's interests. There is no problem linking the 50% cut in hours directly to this incident.
  3. Replied to your PM. Here is the info again. Here is the main unit. http://www.nurkvinny.com/images/DSCN1873.jpg Here are the attachments. http://www.nurkvinny.com/images/DSCN1872.jpg Here is the poster. http://www.nurkvinny.com/images/DSCN1874.jpg I bought it from a co-worker last year and paid $300. So, I would say $200, picked up at my place. Thanks Vince
  4. Hello. A *friend* works in a school environment, but not for the school. She works for a not-for-profit company that provides counseling to children. Two weeks ago, she was grabbed, pulled out of a room, and screamed at by a man in a very high up position. At first, her company said they would back her, and tell the school she would not return because it was not safe for their employees. The company then changed the letter to read the woman refused to return because of fear for her safety. Today, the woman was informed that since she would not return to that school, they were dropping her to part-time, since that school accounted for nearly 50% of her hours. This, of course, means 50% pay and loss of FT benefits. The man that assaulted her is still employed. How can she be punished for being physically and verbally assaulted? Any thoughts, help, etc?
  5. I have a SoloFlex with every attachment, all weights, book, and a quick-reference fold-out chart to hang on the wall.
  6. My son has had 101-103.5 fever since Sunday. Not fun in a baby. Just checked him 30 minutes ago, down to 99. Finally. His Dr's office said they have seen a ton in the past few days.
  7. I've been looking for a 66 or a 70 for a long time. Pics when you can, please.
  8. Weird how strongly these things affect me now that I have a child. TTT
  9. I've worked in an SQL-heavy shop for 9 years now. What is the upper end of the pay scale for this job?
  10. nurkvinny

    Its a girl!

    Congrats from a new dad.
  11. Here's a fun story. About 5 years ago, my wife and I were heading home to Newark, after bar hopping in Zanesville (yes, it is possible). I owned a convertible S-10, so I took the absolute longest path home I possibly could so that we could enjoy the night. Well that, and I was getting head. We drove through the neighborhood surrounding Licking Vallery H.S. at a slow rate of speed. When I was leaving that area, I noticed a jacked up F150 riding my ass. I continued to take the scenic drive home through subdivisions, and this asshole continued to follow me... move for move. This lasted for about 10 minutes, and it was beyond obvious he was following me. Enough was enough. I threw it into park in the middle of Rt 16, walked back to the truck not knowing whether it was 1 guy or 4. Yelled something along the lines of, "what the fuck, man? What is your problem?" He explained that a bunch of high school kids had been egging and tp'ing his neighborhood. I in turn explained that I was a 26 year old married man trying to get a decent bj. He apologized and drove away. While walking back to my truck, I realized my fly had been undone during the entire confrontation, so he probably knew I was telling the truth.
  12. When I was 17-18ish, and my cars were my world, I had 2 cases that I can remember. In the first, I watched a fatass chick with a weave THROW her door open into mine. When confronted, she got back into her car and left after saying "fuck you, there's nothing you can do." Said woman's address was tracked down, and there probably wasn't any doubt in her mind who did the things to her car 2 nights later. The other time I came out of a shop and there was literally 5-6 inches between my driver's door and the car that wedged their way sideways into the next spot. I would never do today what I did that day, but I imagine I gave Maaco some business. I am not proud of either story, but fuck people.
  13. You guys are CRAZY. She is still the hottest thing out there. :nod: :bs:
  14. nurkvinny

    Day 1

    Weird. You have my same carpet and chair-roll-arounder-on-thingy.
  15. NWS http://www.idontlikeyouinthatway.com/2008/01/britney-spears-is-an-eyesore.html
  16. I passed a guy riding early this morning on 270 that had tennis shoes and what appeared to be short white athletic socks. His neck was bare. Fuck that. My cut-off is 50 degrees. It's not safe to ride when you're frozen or shivvering.
  17. You go to whatboyswant also, eh?
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