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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Find Options. Then General Preferences.
  2. If the above solutions do not fix your problem, try turning ignition forward to accessory (not start) for 15-20 minutes and see if the Security light goes off. Don't try to start the vehicle during this time.
  3. Sold to a non CR member.
  4. Bump for a 34 year old CLASSIC.
  5. No. My car trailer has a very bad track record during NY trips.
  6. I am always being asked if someone can use my trailer... go buy your own! Yes, you could haul this home on another car trailer. http://www.smallblockposse.com/ubb/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=11;t=010677
  7. nurkvinny

    mario gutted!

    http://www.francescasimon.com/images/LYD%20says%20look%20at%20me.jpg .;.
  8. nurkvinny

    Vette wheels

    Nevermind my message Nick; dad does not want them (figured he would want them for his 92)
  9. I feel for you. 3 weeks ago, my deck attacked my foot and implanted a piece of wood about half as big as a toothpick into my foot. Felt like a retard going to urgent care after 3 hours of digging at it myself.
  10. Weird parking ties. http://richard.safier.com/OVR/PE8-2006w/target483.html
  11. nurkvinny


    A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
  12. nurkvinny


    You are either a liar, or the worst haggler ever. All previous threads in question are listed in the Admin section, chief. You are again a liar, or have a very poor memory. I don't care if you had interest or not. The rules are posted very clearly. So, to quote a brilliant CR member, "learn to read". I agree 110%.
  13. ... heads to my beer-only fridge in the garage.
  14. Today http://www.nationaltrailraceway.com/
  15. nurkvinny


    My 'business', as it relates to CR, is to moderate threads. That moderation does not have to be between thread starter and thread crapper. The previous times I deleted Pat's posts I did so because the sellers complained about him.
  16. nurkvinny


    That was not a threat. It was your last warning. For everyone else, here is the history about Pat and for sale threads. The mods have 4 documented times where we have had to step in and edit his bullshit posts. That's about 3 more than we should have had to. He was warned 3 previous times about the exact same thing. And just for people thinking I got involved in a "developing" anything, here is what I deleted - -------- "I would be interested, but that price is way to god damn high. I could buy a DSM and mod it for that much. Not thread crapping, but god damn. I would like to buy it but thats too much. In my honest opinion, again as a potential buyer, its worth $500 at the most. And thats pushing it....heavily pushing it....." -------- We will continue to delete ALL posts like that without hesitation.
  17. That was not directed towards you. I edited out singleturbo's comment.
  18. I do. What's the issue with them? More Dodge sludge?
  19. I have a 10' x 20' x 4' pond; had the same Koi in there for 3 years. Are yours big enough to survive with these adult fish? I have about 18-20, but could use some more.
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