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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. No mileage given. Curious if it is very high.
  2. Can you or your dad send pics to nurkvinny@yahoo.com? I need a daily. Thanks.
  3. Then... how are they accurate?
  4. The watch list is real. Yes, I have worked with it. It is a pain in the ass. It is updated every week, and A LOT of companies have to compare their new customers against this list, and report any and all matches.
  5. I edited Mushijobah's post. Your thread is fine.
  6. Vince has a really tiny deck.
  7. Sold and on its way to Cinci.
  8. Around 3 gallons. Add 1 gallon antifreeze, then 1 gallon water. Then add 1/2 gallon each until full. At least that is how I would do it; hope that helps.
  9. Weird, there's a funny increase in RPM a couple seconds into your 2nd gear
  10. Why I always have a fire extinguisher with me at the track.
  11. Well, damn. If people would stop posting in a locked thread, already.
  12. nurkvinny


    Figured I would share his latest Private Messages to me: "A pot shot at your wife??I think not..go back over there with your rice buddies..that board is useless."
  13. nurkvinny

    Norwalk Pics

    The person behind the link is no longer on CR.
  14. nurkvinny


    Nope, I did not get banned from LS1GTO; I didn't do anything to warrant a banning. Maybe someone else posted something in the thread to cause it to get deleted. I don't know.
  15. http://www.northrup.org/photos/cruise/Day4-Florence-Italy/low/gayest-statue-ever.jpg .,.
  16. My sister just totaled her Durango... I will pass these pics along to her. She has a Ford-phobia, but this looks like a good deal.
  17. Free bump. Great sticks. Big pool player, that's just way too light for me.
  18. A ton of GM cars and trucks. It was on a late 79 or 80 1/2 truck. The style was used for decades.
  19. Again. This thing needs out of my garage
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