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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Last time this happened, we had a semi-friendly Egypt available to help out. What just happened a few months ago? Egypt got a muslim brotherhood govt. We sent a fuckton of money to that same govt. I support Israel, but believe they can and will handle themselves. Poke a man in the chest long enough, expect an upper cut.
  2. Sometimes I believe in evolution, and then again, sometimes...
  3. Haha. Your Dad skills > mine. Did you scuff off the plastic first? Or, does the primer make that unnecessary?
  4. Thank you. As a Dad of a growing household, it is humbling to see what people 70 years ago could live on/with.
  5. Some things are cool. That is ultra-badass.
  6. This makes me sick, honestly. That so many, so much square footage "gets it". But people that live asses to elbows screw it up. :gabe:
  7. See, here it is again. The "nothing's going to happen" and "they won't take that away from citizens" jabs just don't work anymore. Why? Because there are too many examples in very recent history proving the contrary.
  8. It is news. How important or significant is up to the reader. Also, don't be so quick to pass on by the "all in good fun". I am all for a United Republic States of America and a separate United Democratic States of America. They can have everything that voted blue, down to the precinct level, we get red. One catch, they get the blue senators and reps too.
  9. The best reply I have read so far: You know, the funny thing about this bill is that it totally turns the concept of private property regulation on its head. * When you drive into a parking lot it's assumed that you can operate your licensed motor vehicle and park anywhere you want so long as you abide by any prohibitory signs or markings. * When you come up to a store, you may let yourself in assuming you are within the stated hours. * When there's a door labeled "restroom", you don't ask for permission to use it unless there's a prohibitory sign on it like "Employees Only" * When entering an establishment you're perfectly free to keep your sunglasses on unless there's a prohibitory sign or an employee asks that you remove them (e.g. at the bank). * You don't need a merchant's permission to take items off the shelf and put them in a cart unless there's a sign or barrier prohibiting you from doing so.
  10. Yes. With exceptions. Most gov't buildings. Anywhere with mentally handicapped people. Most airports Most schools... etc
  11. Obama winning was unfortunate and a sign of the ignorance of the voting population, but that thankfully has nothing to do with Democrats trying shit like this. See, I often read (and hear first hand) leftists, liberals, Dems say shit like "urmahGod! They're gonna take our guns!!!". They throw that in our faces as if we're paranoid for thinking that way. And then, what do you know? Democrats try to do just that. This is no isolated incident. It really is widespread. We have it pretty easy and smooth sailing right now in Ohio as far as gun rights and CCW... but don't think for a second there aren't those trying their damndest to reverse the gains made.
  12. Ohio Democrats introduce bill to effectively kill concealed carry in Ohio Two Ohio Democrat State Representatives, Bill Patmon and Ted Celeste, are co-sponsoring a bill "to generally prohibit a person from having a firearm on privately owned land or premises unless the person owns, controls, or resides on or in the land or premises, has permission of the owner or person who controls the land or premises and, if the land or premises is rental property, of the tenant when required, or is the tenant with respect to those premises." The bill specifies that it "applies to any person, including a concealed handgun licensee." News from our friends at BFA. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8558
  13. All in good fun. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/secission-petitions-filed-20-states-190210006.html
  14. We arm the "freedom fighters" against a bad gov't. A decade later, we declare them terrorists. These fighters are Islamists. The Islamist are in *some* cases Al Qaeda. Same fighters slaughter Christians. Arms deal to said folks end up with dead ambassadors and people retiring in shame because of "cheating on wives" the same week they are to testify about what your president and secretary of state knew about Benghazi. I know, I know, that last sentence was weird; give it time and watch the news.
  15. I assume you know CCI and Blazer are close siblings.
  16. It is. I know it's nothing special. But, it's always nice to get something free.
  17. http://www.wxyz.com/dpp/news/region/oakland_county/shooting-at-southfield-police-department
  18. Something tells me there will be.
  19. Indeed. The twat reporter seemed to be hoping the CHL could be charged.
  20. http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/story/20039150/suspect-fatally-shot-during-coney-island-robbery-in-detroit
  21. I had the honor of helping tear down the Ohio Flags of Honor display this afternoon at our church. Every flagpole has the name, rank, and branch of a soldier killed in Irag or Afghanistan. Some had pictures of the soldier and other personal info; I could not make myself look at those. I had never heard of this display before today. Please have a look and support it if you have a chance. http://www.ohioflagsofhonor.org/ From this morning: http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/2012-11-11_102241-1.jpg
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