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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. i hate to see things happen like this, its terrible what some people do because they have no commen sence. not to make this political but that is actually one of the stupidist statements i have ever read. democratic statement at that. if you want people to tell you how to live and regulate your life go somewhere else. we already have enough licences and permits and all the other bullshit we have to uphold just to live a lifestyle we may choose to have. __________________
  2. Mechanical Engineer You scored 96! You probably think this test is a children's book. You can set rod bearings to the exact clearance that the manual calls for with no margin of error. You can probably identify any car driving down the street within seconds, and you swear your car has a personality all its own. Congrats and happy motoring! My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender: free online dating free online dating You scored higher than 89% on Nuts and Bolts
  3. take your door skin off and put direct power to the window thats all the advice i can give you, ive never heard of anything like this happening
  4. Hmm seems to be a lot of "True Storys" here
  5. on new two wheel drive chevs this is how it is. at i discount the wheel hub assembly is 302 bones... but this is also correct for that car though i dont know the cost on it.
  6. Just get out a new razor blade and go underneith it. And take it back work slowly, dont be scared you wont mess the paint up. Or just use the old fingernail method. You'll then want to get some adhesive remover 3M or whatever it all works the same. Get off the residue. There will be a slight haze where the old pinstripe was but its not real noticable on gold. I just did this on a gold car.
  7. Just wanted to get a feel for who was going. I will be there all weekend. I actually have an indoor booth setup. Pushing custom chrome and wheel sales. Just setting up today made it look like it was going to be a good show.
  8. i have many stories about strobes in cars and pulling people over with them. or blazing by cops with the lights on and them doing nothing. or blazing by people and the sheriff trying to hit me on the radio wanting to know where the fire was.
  9. no they wont look up an address with a name, but its different. addresses are public information. just like if you give me a someones name i can tell you where they live, investments they have made and for how much what they paid for there house who it was through, when they got divorced and so on... you cant get someones tag info through your "buddy" cop, it doesnt work that way. they call into LEADS which is a nationwide information system for law offices. they need to have a reason for doing this, they dont just call em up and say hey run this tag for me. if an officer gets caught doing it the can lose their job.
  10. that word on the valve cover is what makes it cool
  11. ben did not have intentions to screw you. i have driven the truck before myself. drove fine. i have to agree with him that you werent up front about the bike. ben and i spent hours rewiring that bike, because of the problems it had. you cant tell me you never put a fuse in it. thats about bull shit. the 200 he said he was going to give you, you just gave back to him because of the shit that had to be done to the bike. look at it that way, since you said you would do that for someone if something was wrong. the deals been made everyone cut there loses. ben got the bike going you got the truck going. sell the truck just watch what you post...
  12. i know about that sale your speeking of. you should concern that in a pm not in public. because im sure that person has a few choice words about that bike you traded him that he could put on here. the condition that you said it was in, and what it did a day later.
  13. Mine runs at 58 lbs. No matter where its at in the trottle range. I would deff, check the injectors.
  14. I'd kinda like to see this myself because I have done plenty on 3rd Gens and 4th Gens. I have dropped the tank only one time though. Every time after that there has been an access panel cut. Saves time and like Anthony said if you ever have to do it again or want to upgrade, its right there.
  15. if you cut the shifter making it shorter it will make your throw shorter. draw a triangle upside down and imagine the left side as first gear and the right as second. measure the distance at the top and measure the distance somewhere in the middle. reference this to making a stick shorter...
  16. Just to let you know flex additive does nothing for the consumer. It only helps in the aid of putting a cover on a vehicle after its been painted. The flex additive evaporates as the part cures over time. Its normally gone with in a week. Let me know what you need. I have three covers im doing right now. Send me some pics...
  17. i would be interested but can i ask where the front suspension is on the "rolling chassis"
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