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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. I guess I wasnt specific, but calibrated or not on a laptop typically wont help. Im sure you already know, but take your laptop and move it up and down, watch the colors and contrast shift as it moves. If you edit the same picture over and over at different angles each one will be different, though to you they all looked the same. I see what your saying though, I too hook up a 23 or 25 in HP depending on where im at to my laptop thru HDMI, but both 23 and 25 are calibrated so once the transitions goes to the fixed monitor Im fine. My preliminary edits arent even edits. It consist of deleting OOF, closed eyes, someone in the wrong postion, that sort of thing. Then whats left goes to a clean up folder, where I may better compose or fix studio background, light stand in the picture, crops, horizon angles, you get the idea. Ive said it over and over here, I use PS to clean photos up and crop, not to change my photos. Im a firm believer in getting it right, out of the camera.
  2. I wont argue the point back and forth. I will just state that I have been in the body shop industry for 12 year, and on every end of it. Now one shop that will save your deductible and make a killing on your insurance job, is 3C Body Shop, they are the mud slinging kings in Columbus. I could write a book on their advertising antics, and they way he actually runs his shops.
  3. Dan does good work yes, he uses Sikkens paint yes, does he cut corners like everyone else yes. Does he do more BMW's then anyone around, no. All waterbased systems use chips to match color. Water is matched to the chip not the color code. Chips have been around for years. They're called variant decks. I have 52 of them. So in saying that, someones Mazda may have a Pontiac color on it. Every shop has their draw back including me, I'll just be the one to admit it to you.
  4. Not true. If I buy the parts right, which normally is because of who Ive worked for in the past and who I know. I can buy parts cheaper then everyone else. Bill parts at list on the job, actually buying parts at below cost, and billing internally at cost. I can help with a deductible and still make the money I need to make. If you dont understand that, heres a better way to look at it. The insurance company pays me 200 for a part, my cost is 100 but I actually paided 50, thats 50 more that I make on it. So thats 50 off a deductible that I can help with. Do that on multiple parts and it can add up to the whole deductible if the jobs big enough. Now that doesnt happen on every vehicle, and I can tell after the estimate if its a possibility or not. I always tell the customer to be prepared to pay the whole deductible, though I may be able to help them. Not knowing for sure until I have bought, and billed every individual part. Thanks Guys.
  5. Thats what I was going to say in the previous post, was that possibly you received a defective eye. Seems true really if you haven't experienced any issue with a different calibration tool. And to add to the above post, that is very true. I may do some rough editing on a laptop, but its only preliminary editing. Viewing angle, changes the look on a laptop constantly. You need to have a fixed monitor, that is calibrated to get the best results.
  6. Really? I've never experienced this. What monitors were you using it on? I've only done HP w2xxx monitors. And was it the Pro or the Express?
  7. Cant wait to get down there and check out the mile.
  8. Here's the computer I just built 2 months ago. Cooler Master Elite 341 WD Caviar Green 1TB 5400 WD Caviar Blue 320GB 7200 Samsung CD/DVD Burner Radeon HD 5450 1gb ddr3 antec 500 watt power supply patriot 8gb asrock intel h61 micro atx intel Motherboard intel core i5 3.1ghz (3.4) quad core processor logisys all n 1 card reader window 7 pro, ultimate isnt necessary unless your doing some major networking hp 2509b monitor and most importantly spyder3pro This machine is built to run CS5 Suite only and thats all it does. Its not hooked up to the internet, its nothing but a photo machine. The computer runs off the small hard drive and stores everything to the 1tb. In all with monitor and calibration I have less then 900 in it. my windows experience is 6.7 out of 7.9
  9. Yep quite a few layers. And only those moving portions are selected as layers that are showing differences.
  10. http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/ngtr14/chicago-2010-caprice-police-large23.jpg
  11. http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/268793_10150316170401454_108059626453_9462202_5721913_n.jpg
  12. I skipped to 3 minutes and turned it off after 30 seconds.
  13. From the quick information I grabbed. Which was not but a few letters. You are in the back seat and thats your buddy. Am I right?
  14. I have a damaged hood that you can have. Or I can get you a hood and paint it black. For that price you'd have to call me tomorrow. 614.754.8182
  15. That works at ohio valley shooting range? I'm headed there now.
  16. Why wouldnt you just drive to Valero and get some. They do sell it by the gallon you know.
  17. Lol, I tried to give you reputation for your post a few up, but it said I need to spread some first.
  18. Deal. And Mike, a tiny hole can cause the pedal to drop to the floor.
  19. Not bad at all. Stay away from Blue Water.
  20. Ive seen white smoke off of oil. Damn thing looked like a coolant leak, ended up being a rusted oil filter.
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