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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. If you think a leak is coming form inside, use food coloring in the suspected area, or put a cheese cloth in and walk away. The cloth will go to the leak, do it a second time to confirm.
  2. Ditto this, we are dead on to each other. What amazes me, is my shop bill in never anymore then 150 a month.
  3. Mad Hatter does all my exhaust work.
  4. Thanks guys. Mike's my cousin also. Greg can you take a picture from underneith?
  5. I dont have any suggestions for you, but I can say I remember when they planted all those trees.
  6. They've been parking cruiser on the bottom floor of the capital square parking garage for quite sometime now. I'll get a picture this week, when I there again.
  7. I can do it for the same, or if you want to spend a little more take it to my cousin Mike at Bob-Boyd who's also mentioned. We give each other work all the time. 202 is Toyota black
  8. We sued 2 people over non compete, and won both times. They are getting a lot better in Columbus for sure. My brother was Asst. Attorney General of Ohio, but now protects the other side while practicing business law. The cases are pretty cut and dry. I can tell you, typically when a company buys another, to make everything official you need to fill out a new Application and all the associated paperwork.
  9. Wood Floors and High Heels! Looks good!
  10. Milage of trip (/) average fuel economy (x) inflated fuel cost. I estimated 600 to drive to Florida and back. Cost me about 550.
  11. No copper is impossible on a building of that age. Anything's worth a try though.
  12. I just threw 3 boxes away that would have worked. Call some bodyshops and see what they have.
  13. If you go to the box stores tonight after they close, I heard they have a grab bag special.
  14. Here my reasoning of having a cell phone. I dont have a cell phone so you can call me, I have a cell phone so I can call you.
  15. What a shame... You're not kidding.
  16. Sad to hear, for all involved. Even if it was a mistake, like we've all made, I'd hate to be insensitive about the situation.
  17. Everyone out here is having a garage sale! Wish I could have come through, we need some stuff for Cooper. He's 16 months, and has been in 18+ for the last 3 months.
  18. Well Kit Cobras aren't worth 800k
  19. And I just noticed that the picture you posted is a scanned copy.
  20. Copy and Pasted from my hosting site. Hopefully this will give you a little in-site. Suppose your photo is 2000x3000 pixels and you expect your admirers to order anywhere from 6" prints to 40" prints. What should you do? Our recommendation is to leave it alone. EZ Prints will upsample/downsample as needed and they can do it better than all but the most serious experts. We can feel your worry and doubt: "But...a 30-inch print is only 100 dots per inch..." We routinely show the following print at 80 dpi, 24x30 inches to passionate and fussy photographers. Their only comment about quality is "stunning": http://cdn.smugmug.com/img/help/high-resolution-photo-storage.jpg Photoshop books and forum posts tend to focus on resolution, compression and using color spaces which capture the broadest range of colors. But buyers of prints give dramatically different reasons for returning them. The lesson of millions and millions of prints: The overwhelming reasons prints come back are skin tone, under exposure, and contrast. Choosing a broad color space hurt—not helped—the return rate and was responsible for 5% of returned prints. The big surprise is not even large prints bound for museums or photography exhibits had issues with resolution or compression. http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/attachments/6304 After reading all that, get ahold of the original file, and see where you measure up with this chart. These are minimums. (If you can't get a hold of the original I would find something else to do for him) http://freezeframephto.smugmug.com/photos/i-rF38jPb/0/XL/i-rF38jPb-XL.jpg
  21. When you want to hit up the BW3 DT let me know. Its a hop, skip, and a jump.
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