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Everything posted by JudgeDredd

  1. I wont be out till late.. mayors court today
  2. welcome and ps.. please keep it PG13 rated
  3. well if none of my homo friends decide to camp I wont be camping either :shock:
  4. Just a friend! When I meet him Im going to say "Me and CBRgirl use to date" -inside joke
  5. uh huh...... :wink: oOoo maybe she will hump my leg, roll reversal!
  6. Is this for your new boy h0tness that I keep hearing of :shock:
  7. I am the police of the interwebs too sometimes :shock:
  8. I dont ever ride there. its all about bringing up the car, staying for 2 days, renting a golf cart, rigging it to go FAST, flying around, looking at bikes and the random hotties walking by, and doing a shit ton of boozing. But to answer your question, that weekend is most likely the most fun weekend youll have all year. No joke. It usually is for me at least!
  9. I might go up, no work tonight, weather pending of course
  10. post the rest of the info
  11. JudgeDredd


    Yes good point.. checking now it looks like 20% chance later. I think Im down for a ride of some sort. Need to hit the gym and nap first though..
  12. JudgeDredd


    getting peed on in the land of the grove tuckians as well
  13. hah.. I dont know how many times Ive been in 6th gear and went to try and grab a 7th
  14. A girl :shock: be ready for the leg humpers to attatck, welcome aboard!!
  15. JudgeDredd


    I believe Farvas sidekick might have the rivet tool.
  16. JudgeDredd


    Welcome aboard.. you must be the guy who rides through the development there hah
  17. yes I think we can get some donations.. VBulletin for the mutha f'n win Can we get photo hosting too then
  18. ... and as he approaches 88mph.. **POOF*** he vanishes :shock: Where did he go??......
  19. .... chop the throttle just in time for.. oh shit.. THE COPS!!!! ......
  20. I knew it looked like they took them down hah We shall pass through again!!!
  21. .. use my jedi mind tricks and make him snap back to reality, he should know cars never beat bikes!! But instead of snapping back into reality he......
  22. JudgeDredd


    Yes I liked the bike as well... needs.. ohlins rear shock and 520 chain conversion next!!
  23. Welcome! The fact that you have no priors will help you out. Moving radar is pretty nice though, we can catch just about anything if we position our radar unit in the rite direction. The only luck youll have with fighting it will be either... Asking to see the log sheet for when he calibrated the unit when he began patrol for the day. -or- asking that you dont get points with the speed and just pay a little higher fine instead. I dont usually give advice how to beat tickets, consider that one a favor though
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