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Everything posted by JudgeDredd

  1. Ahhh what the hell, might as well gear up and ride for a little bit. Season will be over soon for most people... others like myself will ride even when its 40deg
  2. JudgeDredd


    Look rite above where youve posted.. there is a little edit button next to the quote button
  3. If your an alcoholic dont do these steps, youll waste your vodka and become hostile!!
  4. JudgeDredd


    oh man i didnt need to hear that
  5. JudgeDredd


    Holy jumpins she made it! I will read all of you your rights if you hit on her, shes taken by good friend
  6. looks pretty much the same to me. Any power changes or anything?
  7. There are a few places up north in polaris here.. all of us COOL people live up in polaris
  8. Drinking + Riding + Holiday weekend... thats the way to do it :shock:
  9. Damnit I missed all the fun :?
  10. Youre gone too long Ive been working way too much to even realize I dont sleep though hah
  11. Could have shorted the wire out possibly. Shouldnt be too hard to figure out which wire it is. Obviously recheck all the fuses, but if youre losing brake lights and such you definately have more problems than just a fuse I think.
  12. where is meatwad when you need him
  13. About time you made it over! What up!
  14. woa, not me. I wonder what it was about though!
  15. hah no shiz, this could be cool. What time do you think this will start?
  16. oh my god thats messed up hah. He deffinately looks like you too Ben hahah
  17. after just seeing the freaky cave movie.. F THAT!
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