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Everything posted by JudgeDredd

  1. You could go with those for a non aggresive tire yup
  2. If youre speaking of Fitzgeralds or whatever its called... it was a terrible time a couple weeks back.
  3. Good maybe some one will just "whack him"
  4. Im not off till 7am sunday morning. You think people will still be awake?
  5. Ill be out making sure the roads are safe tonight for you party goers, have some booze and good times for me please!
  6. Ice storms in April :shock: I would miss the beach too, I dont think I could leave the beach if I lived near one!
  7. Mother of god. Thats like a street legal Le Mans road car lol
  8. I just want a ride in it!!! Finish it up! Summer is coming to an end quite rapidly :shock:
  9. JudgeDredd

    QS&L 8/16/06

    We should all be up there as well.
  10. That didnt last long Didnt you guys think things through before you made the long haul over here
  11. Im camping for #2 . IN
  12. This kid will be the worlds best beer pong champ one day http://dailyuploads.com/insanepingpongshots/
  13. hey that was actually pretty cool to watch.. are there any more?
  14. I vote no.. brings nothing but more crap to the forum that we need to monitor. Were trying to bring people here still Not trying to bring them in and let them see everyone bitching about stuff
  15. Inside joke Found this.... YOU'VE BEEN HIT BY THE |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| |Truck full of Mexicans| '|""";.., ___. |_..._..._________====|= _|__|..., ] | "(@ )'(@ )"""""""""""*|(@ )(@ )*****(@ Sorry, they have no insurance.
  16. Yet another rider down last night.. very messed up leg.
  17. Ya, the guy working it was more worried about 1 Hardly rider coming in than the 6 of us LEAVING the place. What a joke.
  18. The bike made so much power, the owner was actually able to hold 3 seconds worth of wheelie time
  19. Oh My... for all of you guys looking for a bike chick.. that rite there is a GRADE A CATCH!
  20. oh my god fun this will be
  21. Its ok.. were taking the twisty road up This is going to be a fairly large group of people tomorrow morning
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