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Everything posted by JudgeDredd

  1. "she had pimples on her butt" hahaha
  2. I am sneeeeaky :devilzwhite: Back tire = teh dead. Bald in center now, and my new sprocket is going to need relpaced already. Ive got a tight spot in my chain, or some other kind of problem and its causing the chain to get extremely tight during certain spots. Making some loud grinding noises. It kinda freaked me out the whole time, and I deffinately tested my luck riding it the whole weekend. I will now tear it apart, fix it, and sell my bike... to prepare for the NEW HOTNESS 07 R1
  3. ....... to be continued for more info Did some one get bit by the dragon? Did some one kiss a guard rail?? Will some one need body work??? I dunno
  4. I mean... just look at the road... http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?addr= ... name=&qty= Im in love
  5. I'm always nice!! Not on Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:41 pm hahahaha that is the first time on the interwebs that ive ever heard that line! she is wierd in her own little way
  6. 98% of my web content isnt blocked... but this one was
  7. but you rode... ALONE.. sucka!
  8. Damn son you need to text people, we rode for a bit tonight.
  9. fuckin SEXY as hell Need power specs still though.
  10. OOoOoooOOO MAMA Cita(sp)!!!! Quoted for truf!!!
  11. hah Weather is looking like a turn for the worse
  12. I think bike night sucks now personally.. use to be more fun back in the day when people would ride and not sit around all night. Tis the reason were meeting downtown instead of up north this time. We'll figure out a ride path when were ready to leave campus later.
  13. As much as that sounds like it could be a cool vacation.. I dont think I would be able to keep my cool down there HAH
  14. Lets just meet at campus for the ride, from there we will go elsewhere. Campus at 7:15 then.. so everyone can head out of their cribs at 7.
  15. There we go!! No rain as of yet.. but it IS ohio. We shall.... Ride... then eat AFTER 9PM this time!! Thurman burger for the fuckin WIN!
  16. Looking like a warm day... sunny 76deg. This might be one of the last nice wend nights left! Lets try and get some people together... say around... 7pm. Were going to ride first this time though, then eat after that probably. Who is down
  17. There are alot of smilies like that on OT yes.. Putty gather some good OT smilies today and bring them home. Whenever Ben gets around to getting me an FTP to the smily directory we can add them
  18. Ben I sent you a PM about smilies as well
  19. Youll like the new list EVEN BETTER!!!
  20. Please bare with us while we update the smily pack on the board. Im getting rid of the lame ass Smily faces and adding a whole bunch of cool ones :colorzYellow:
  21. Im game, counting down the last of the season.. this day we can chalk up as one. What roll out time though.... hmmm
  22. shoes for the lose. get some boots!
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