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Everything posted by JudgeDredd

  1. Ya it was your tweaty bird and eggs flying in the wind!
  2. Cool 3min video of certain metals mixed with water for explosions http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/453 ... Water.html
  3. OMG I remember that kid hahahaha. That pic doesnt even justify how poofy that emo kids hair was!
  4. Funny he did that cause I did the SAME thing before I first posted the thread hah. I put backups and not backpacks.. were fuckin g33k$
  5. I wouldnt see why not. People bring in coolers full of booze!
  6. So far we are showing Sunny and 88deg on Saturday. SUNBLOCK!! - Dont be an idiot and be without it all weekend. Sunglasses <-- to keep the squinting headaches away Digi Cam - some people take pics of the girls, others, the races! Money - the green stuff, theres usually GREAT deals this weekend. If riding up you could always bring Backpack containing water, snacks, maybe change of cloths. Driving up you really need to bring a cooler with food, drink and snacks. Prices up there are crazy still and so are the lines. Youll save money and headaches just bringing your own stuff in. Feel free to add to the post so others can remember the important things.
  7. hah.. its something with cleaning that bike and getting flat tires!! 8am is teh winnar! Golf cart for the win!! We will surely get one being up there that early.. and leaving that early on sat = NO TRAFFIC!!!!!!! = FAST riding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! imgonnagoreallyfastOMGWEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee!!
  8. Im going 1:10s there on my track day BITCHES! (hah I wish). I will shoot for 1:30s while there.. liter bike + ohlins > *
  9. JudgeDredd


    Awww youve got the liter bike and then its twin chick version His 02 R1 for the win! Nice bike chicky.. Im very glad it has frame sliders, this is important for those "just in case" sakes PS.. Please ride with a license
  10. I think the "Ive got a stunter now" girl from our board here is "seeing" one of them
  11. Im torn between my choice of working 3rd shift tonight or 3rd shift TOMORROW when I KNOW it will be nice. I think I will work it tonight so I can have a free saturday night for once..
  12. Ide give her a full service pump
  13. Have an opening.. support for GAP.com basically. Shift is Tuesday-Saturday 7-3 or first shift Since Im the reffering person, you need not to be an idiot (so I dont look like a fool for submitting your resume ) Probably pays well too. If interested get me a resume to: john_lippian@gap.com
  14. We tend to ride around other places and usually only hit qsl and the pony for a short minute
  15. depends on where and when I suppose. Not much fun lugging around camping stuff trying to hit some twisties.
  16. no electricity camping is lots of fun, its one huge party at night there.
  17. Try NAPA, I believe this is where we DSM people use to get our helicoils back in the day. Having to use those = THE SUCK.
  18. Was wondering when you would make it over, welcome aboard
  19. Eric with the Mustang, Busa and gix 750. n00bs
  20. Yup one of the best ones.. made its way to taser internationals site as well.
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