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Everything posted by JudgeDredd

  1. She didnt post! I know Mandie ya, didnt know she was a member here tho :?
  2. Or you could just add the board hack for us to post photos directly on the board. And set size limits of course.
  3. Please introduce yourself. I see that you are a moderator here, and have no clue who you are. Part of the lovely staff of ohioriders strikes again?
  4. So what did we learn today....... You should be thinking "I was lucky as hell tonight, and probably wont get another cool chance at a free get out of ticket night" At least thats what I hope people think when they get warnings on "aww shit I messed up" stops.
  5. Freeway patrol does just this... freeway patrol. They dont need to do the little things. They are like the OSP of columbus highways. You are rite about that. Its not like we can roll down the road and know exactly who to stop for drugs and such. (although sometimes you can smell it when driving behind them!) I can say Ive done my fair share of stopping bikes already this year. I really never had intentions on doing so, but seeing some of these people do stupid shit just makes me stop them so I can yell :oops: Giving the good bikers bad names And for the love of ohioriders... the next time Im down at the jail and see a freeway patrol unit I will ask them whats up with the stopping bikes thing they have going on. I see them alot at BP on 70 & Wilson as well.
  6. . Not too many roads for people in Columbus to practice one... hence the reason lots go down in hocking for the small lack of experience it takes. Remember when in doubt - lean and gas it.
  7. They arent cheap or I would own one myself. I honestly dont know who has one either. The chain you have now is a much better chain. The little C-clip chain is bullshit. You might have to suffer the labor and take it in somewhere.
  8. Nah it still works on CR. Broked on here Putty, make me a cool sig
  9. ^ hah. Chromes bike has the plate mounted under there like yours, and he gets stopped too
  10. This topic evolved into.... lets create a safe place for fellow bikers.. and educate each other on how to stay out of trouble and be safe on the road
  11. my sig!! It vanished!! Was it too big maybe? Hell I dont remember Did you guys disable my sig or something :?
  12. gee.. its f*ckin gone :roll:
  13. JudgeDredd

    sig test.

    testing testing
  14. Ya I know who that one is too. He does have something out for bike people it seems. But at the same time, hes doing his job. Hes probably not ticketing most of the bikes he stops, but I can assure you hes looking for other things from those stops. Improper displays are EASY targets for good stops. Stops to find people driving with no ops, suspended, warrants, drugs.. you name it. Ive stopped a few bikes already this year, I didnt write any of them, but did tell them to stop acting stupid. One of them ran a railroad crossing, gates down, literally a couple SECONDS before the train flew by. He saw me in front of him and just pulled rite over before I even hit my lights. I really think bikes are becoming more of a problem every year for everyone in general. Younger people are buying them, more are wrecking them, more are caught doing stupid shit. Lots are hearing stories of running from officers and getting away, or excessive speeding in large groups on busy roadways. Most people just dont give a shit anymore. 6 years ago when I started riding it wasnt anywhere near like it is today. 6 years ago to find ANYONE under 25 that had a bike was nearly impossible. Out of my group at the time I was the youngest person to have a bike. I think as a group we need to educate our fellow riders on a lot of issues. We all speed yes, but we dont always have to fly around cars and cause danger for others on the road. If youre going to do wheelies, do them on a good spot of road with no cars and AWAY from fellow riders for fuck sake. Keep our bikes up to legal standards so we avoid attention (plates visible, plate lights, use signals when you know others can see you turn..) Leave the cop hating out
  15. It was a good way to start the summer yup. Many more fun times ahead.
  16. ill be out for at least all of may on that one.
  17. Honda schmonda. Ive yet to ride a honduh that Ive liked
  18. I guess I never got the invite. meh
  19. Ive rode many of the roads there, Im jealous of KY riders and the best roads.
  20. I would bang her harder than a storm door in a hurricane!!!
  21. Im down for an ohioriders shoot day... Ill do the family field too if no one fucks around
  22. JudgeDredd

    Wednesday 4/18

    Meh, I may come, not sure yet really. I really think I wont be riding for at least another month or so.
  23. We wont go there because that place doesnt deserve business after the way it treats customers.
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