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Everything posted by JudgeDredd

  1. not sure... probably in the afternoon sometime
  2. Im sure we will be up there on saturday in the afternoon yes.
  3. some of us columbus people are going... along with a few cinci peeps too
  4. U better watch what you say to cbrgirl when she has keys in her hand.. I called her old onces and she whacked me with a set of keys and drew blood! :shock: I know some girls that are better riders than most guys! crazyness!!!
  5. [crickets] yup [/crickets]
  6. Merry Chrismahanakwanzika!
  7. They are both accurate, laser is just used for more precise aiming uses.. like on a busy highway to pick out single vehicles. You have to be pretty close on aim with laser to hit the target, you just pull the trigger once and receive a reading back, you dont really have to hold on target for more then a second.
  8. hmm that would be interesting. Not sure how I would sneak it to a nice spot way up north to check though.. hm hm
  9. even if we could live on mars, its pretty damn plain hah.
  10. I thought that was wierd too! EDITED by Satan
  11. I think before I speak all the time! High horse where? I dont see one, nor am I sitting on one. You trying to bash or put me down just never seems to work :shock: Where were you when we were all close to your side of town this past Friday? Chrome made it out then, but no cbrgirl!? I dont like this new outspoken cbrgirl, you seem to be trying to outsmart your actual potential. <img>snap.JPG</img>
  12. he rode with us all summer! you were just too far to come join in!
  13. Thats cool, Ill get my own room and not have to smell SMOKE ALL NIGHT! Hah to you!
  14. Holy back to the future batman, even Marty agrees if anyone had a comment.. THEY WOULD HAVE SAID IT 2 MONTHS AGO WHEN THE POST WAS CREATED
  15. Hey did you guys look into seeing what kind of price it would be for a HUGE suite there? One that can fit like 10 of us or something (for our immediate family group). I mean.. unless... it has to be just 2 people only for your room :?: :shock:
  16. Yes glad to hear your at least able to type now heh. Too bad I couldnt make that ride though :frown: White man has been known to fix bikes from time to time
  17. I will certainly make an appearance if I dont head back to cleveland for some of those days around xmas.. (who knows what my work schedule will be like)
  18. JudgeDredd


    youre just jealous
  19. JudgeDredd


    first post, in like swimwear
  20. Nah After riding the gap and the skylinewayhighwayroad, nothing here is worth riding until I go back there again in the spring
  21. FREE TO YOU! If youre interested in.... GAP: 30% off any amount, Nov 30th - Dec 3rd Banana Republic: 30% off any amount, Dec 1st - Dec 3rd Old Navy: 20% off any amount, Nov 27th - Dec 3rd I will hand out 5 of each. You can buy gift cards using these coupons as well. You'll have to come by my place in Polaris to get these, cause if Im not selling them, Im not driving to meet anyone hah.
  22. cbrgirl you make this "special" ride sound like the best thing since sliced bread
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