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Everything posted by lemosley01
Kind of forgot the big difference maker - the supercharger on the 03/04. +1 - I've seen people asking 10,000+ for a 93 Cobra. Something about the snake badge on a Fox mustang...
I have a set of under drive pulleys - fit 99 Cobras and older. Also have a P1-SC supercharger setup for a 99 Cobra.
That would do it. Stick like tape when it's dry, tho.
Why? I ride all the time in the rain. It's just water.
Mmmmm....sexy. Good luck on the sale. If I were in the market for a vehicle, I might consider it.
I've never understood people who modify their cars to make 1000HP for the street. After all, if you already have 300+ HP, enjoy what you have. It is exactly the same mentality. HTT speed doesn't make that much difference. Testing has already been done to that shows that HTT between 600 and 1000 doesn't help much. I assume you are referring to the processor speed. The stock speed is 1800MHZ on an opteron 165. Most of them seem to be capable of 2500MHZ - that is a 40% speed increase, and yes, you will notice it. At 2250 MHZ, my machine is noticably faster in Winblows than @1.8GHZ. Raising the speed of the CPU without having to overvolt it will not harm it, provided you keep the temparatures under control. All the different speeds of the CPUs are cut from the same wafer and then binned. There is no difference between a 1.8GHZ opteron and a 2.4 GHZ Opteron 180 other than the 2.4 GHZ opteron passed the tests @2.4 GHZ as opposed to 1.8GHZ. Stop perpetuating the myth that overclocking will kill your machine. It's a lot less likely to nuke your rig than putting a 100 shot on a car. As far as stock cooling goes, the stock heat-pipe HSF that ships with retail dual-core chips (mine is retail) is clearly good enough for the 2.4GHZ with some margin of safety built in. Remember these processors have 3 year warranties and are server chips - AMD doesn't want them to fail prematurely due to heat. Here is a link to a comparison of the stock HSF vs. other coolers (the cooler I have is the 'Stock Athlon Heatpipe HSF'). http://www.madshrimps.be/?action=getarticle&number=10&artpage=1822&articID=419
Yes I am running the stock cooler. The stock cooler on an Opteron 165 (a dual core chip in case you are not familiar with it) is a VERY good cooler - at least equivalent to an XP-90c. I'm not a noob - I actually know what I'm doing and I have narrowed this down to the chip or the board. Many many people have hit 2700MHZ+ with stock cooling and not much more voltage (if any). Here is information on temps. At full load (dual prime95s) running at stock speeds and voltage, the chip will peak at 42c. @2250 MHZ at stock voltage it will also peak at 42C. @1.45V at 2400MHZ, it will peak at 45C. Like I said, the stock cooler on the dual core CPUs is a very good unit. I could get better with a Zalman 9500, but, so far, there is no need to do so. Heat is not the problem here. If I bump the voltage up, then I can reach about 50 MHZ higher than before. If heat were the problem, no amount of voltage increase would help.
Thanks. My perusals of the various forums indicate differently. Perhaps the latest steppings aren't as good as earlier steppings, but so far the lowest I've seen at default VCore is around 2400MHZ.
I just built a new rig about 2 weeks ago: Abit KN8-SLI Opteron 165 2GB G.SKILL HZ 500W Ultra X-Finity. Here is my problem. I have finally got around to overclocking it and my Opteron is 'only' stable at 2250 MHZ (stock is 1800MHZ) @1.35 V (default voltage). The Opterons are noted for excellent overclockability - it seems to be more or less standard to get to at least 2.5GHZ @1.35V. I have upped the voltage to as high as 1.49V but that has only gotten me as far as 2450 MHZ, and I'm not even sure THAT is stable. Yes, I'm greedy. I want more. MUCH more. I was wondering if anyone has a socket 939 Athlon that is overclocked that I could try out in my board to try and narrow down if I've got a 'bad' chip or a crap board. Anyone?
Bill Clinton didn't try. Congress has nothing to do with actions like that. Those fall under the jurisdiction of the President. He has enough singular authority to 'go after terrorists'. How do we know? He authorized an executive order to assasinate or capture Bin Laden, but it doesn't seem to have been pursued with much zeal. The CIA lies under the Executive branch - he has all the authority he needs to go get the bad guys. Ignoring Bin Laden at large, Clinton never seemed to care much about terrorism, even after the WTC, Khobar Towers, and USS Cole were bombed and the fiasco in Mogadishu occurred. edit: Forgot to mention, Clinton apparently had enough authority to get us INVOLVED in Somalia and Bosnia, but not enough to track down and kill any and all terrorists? Something smells rotten in Denmark, like your argument that he had 'no power'. Bill Clinton didn't try to make THIS case to the American people and Bill Clinton had EIGHT years and several different attacks upon US targets and he didn't even TRY. Regardless, I am not laying blame at the feet of the Clinton Administration, because, frankly, no one took terrorism seriously. It was (and is) a risk you took when travelling outside of the country. You would have thought the first WTC bombings would wake us up, but apparently it wasn't enough. However, to expect and administration to 'do something' about terrorism when it had been in office 8 months is ridiculous, especially when, at that point, all of the democrats wanted to focus on was 'how bad the economy is' (oh, you don't recall this? I do.) However, your 'Timeline' is an attempt to rewrite history and try to turn one of the current (or any for that matter) President's best examples of leadership into some sort of consipiracy that he and Darth Cheney were behind this attack. You are using the typical democrat/liberal attack of 1) make an accusation no matter how unfounded (Bush knew about the attacks and let them happen so that we could invade Iraq) and 2) Try to force the other side to defend itself, which it cannot do, because all you have to do is make up more lies and accusations. You have the media to help perpetuate the lies, so it's all cherry. Before you try throwing all of these accusations around, maybe you should try reading the 9/11 report, the Butler Report, the Dulfer Report, and David Kay's reports. Perhaps then you will have an understanding of Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. I'm not going to waste time responding to attacks on the Republicans other than to say: Welfare, Vietnam, the IRS, Social Security. Go look them up. All references in my previous post referring to OIF are incorrect. I meant OFF (UN Oil For Food).
Yeah, but they *could* afford to give out how many BILLIONS of dollars in the OIF scandal? There was a reason that Russia, France, China, and Germany didn't want us to go into Iraq. We know why now (OIF and because they were SELLING things to Saddam that maybe they shouldn't have been. OOPS!) Funny Russia and China (or is it France) also doesn't want to deal with Iran. Wonder how much shit they've sold to the Iranians that they shouldn't have? OIF. Need I say more? Money was not a problem for Saddam. Maybe for his people, but it was never a problem for Saddam. BTW, Saddam's trip to Kuwait was a fall/winter excursion. Both Kuwait and Iraq lie wholly above the equator and therefore have the same 'seasons' as we. Right. We weren't worried about him BUYING fully assembled weapons. We were worried about him figuring out how to put these weapons together and buying or creating the raw materials to build them or buying materials on the black market. If you offer someone (scientists for example) many millions of dollars for 'research' you think they won't take it? There are an awfully lot of former Warsaw Pact scientists out there looking to make money. There are many black marketeers looking to move all kinds of goods. This was never about 'Saddam trying to buy a nuclear warhead or chemical weapons', it was about 'Saddam is trying to build nukes and chemical weapons using resources in his own country'. Don't try to twist history. Let's give you a little timeline. In 1998, Bill Clinton and Assoc. trooped out all sorts of 'evidence' that Saddam was trying to build or acquire weapons, Saddam was still hiding weapons, and Saddam is a threat. They did this to drum up support for the strikes on Saddam that later took place in December of 1998. No one questioned that intelligence at that time. Why? 5 years later, Bush & Assoc. troop out the same information based on the SAME INTELLIGENCE that the Clinton Administration used. Again, NO ONE QUESTIONED THIS INTELLIGENCE. EVERYONE believed it UNIVERSALLY. There was no dispute in 1998, and there was, again, no dispute in 2002. Saddam had almost 5 years of unmonitored time with which to do whatever he pleased. There was no reason to think any different in 2002 than in 1998, and a lot more reasons to believe he had gone further since no one had been watching him. Congress had access to the same intelligence that Bush used to make his case, yet they DID NOT QUESTION IT. They VOTED for action. The UN did not question the intelligence and they ratified further resolutions, one of which included the allowance to take action if Saddam were in material breach. The UN Inspection teams said that Saddam was in material breach before we ever went into Iraq. If you think, somehow, that Bush is directly responsible for 9/11/2001, you are as far removed from reality as your 'party' of choice. The Clinton Administration KNEW that Bin Laden was a threat to us for years and had MUCH more time to capture/kill him, than did GW Bush, yet they never eve tried. Somehow this is the fault of a President that had been in office for EIGHT MONTHS, when his predecessor had EIGHT YEARS to capture this guy.
I have an extra computer that I would like to get rid of for $200: Athlon XP 2500+ (Barton core 512KB of cache) Motherboard is a Soyo Dragon KT600 Plus v1.0. It has 2 PATA ports, 2 SATA ports, USB 2.0, built in 10/100 ethernet, integrated sound. I do not have the driver CD from Soyo, but the drivers can be downloaded from Soyo at: http://www.soyogroup.com/downloads/selectresults.php?language=English&col1=+++++++AMD+Athlon+XP&col2=280&col3=Driver 512 MB (2x256) of Kingston value ram Jetway Radeon 9600LE video car Floppy drive case/power supply pics: http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/430/computeroutside9uy.jpg http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/3318/computerinside5zm.jpg I have two Retail copies of Windows XP Pro SP1. One of them is opened, the other unopened. Neither is currently in use. These are the full versions, not the upgrades. These are the original disks, not pirated versions and are upgradeable to SP2. $150 for the unopened one, $130 for the opened one. For free - craftsman mini-vac. First person to come get it. http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/308/minivac7oc.jpg
LOL!! Angry, Jewish Administrator > E-thug. True Story.
Congrats! You do realize that Apple doesn't build houses - you will actually have to learn about them (or pay someone who knows) Greg got out of the Mortgage biz?
What are you talking about - the ZX-12/14 and Hayabusa's are already speed limited. Nothing that the aftermarket hasn't taken care of though. Kawasaki and Suzuki both recognized that if nothing was done, the US Government would step in and make up some arbitrary rule, basically fucking up the situation. They took steps to placate our 'wonderful' lawmakers (who don't have a clue about life on 2 wheels).
Ryan, sorry for the thread hijack. Josh, I'm not hating on the Hayabusa (ok, well, maybe a little, but I don't care for the ZX-12 or ZX-14 either - too damn big). I can see them running the same times modded. 50ccs isn't that much, and, like I said, at the speeds these bikes can run, aerodynamics is much more a factor than raw horsepower, although the horsies are more fun. After sitting on it, my next bike, if I were to go the sportbike/sport tourer route, would be a BMW K1200S. It's not the fastest or baddest bike on the block, but when I sat on it, I fell in love. It fits me perfectly. Too bad it's 18-20K, but I almost think it's worth it. Especially since I see brand new 05 leftovers for 15K. Anyone care to buy a Mustang and ZX-9?
I am not talking about modded bikes, am I? Notice in my previous post the phrase 'modded' never crept in. I specified *stock* and stock only. Now you sound like a Kawi fanboy (where is the poke smilie at) 'But the busa has 100 cc more than my ZX-12' 'But the busa has a longer wheelbase than my ZX-12' Now the shoe is on the other foot. Guess that all adds up for a bad day...until Suzi introduces another Hayabusa. Lets see - a 9.78@147 perhaps - from a non-pro rider? http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/Article_Page.aspx?ArticleID=3088&Page=3 He ran a 9.5 with another ZX-14 that was lowered, had a muzzy exhaust and power commander. The same bike that Ryan Schnitz ran a 9.17 on. http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/Article_Page.aspx?ArticleID=3088&Page=2 The times I am finding for stock Hayabusas as tested by the magazines are 9.8s to 9.9s at 143. At the speeds/times we are talking about here, these two bikes will always be close. It's not like a 500 HP car vs a 400 HP car. These two bikes are separated by 10 HP (if that). ZX-14 is a sport tourer, too. It might cost more to insure because it has a bigger engine, however. Depends on how the insurance company classifies bikes and what their displacement brackets are.
Hardly hype. What are pros running on stock hayabusas? The answer: slower than they are on ZX-14s. The bike has the potential, it is up to the rider to harness it. Ryan, what are you looking for? First you talk about a ZX-14 then about an R6 - these bikes are in no way similar other than they are faired bikes. They are meant for two different purposes. One is a sport-tourer/drag whore (ZX-14), the other is a race bike in street trim (R6). You need to figure out what you want the bike for.
WTH did you change your userid? I thought someone else had a Buell that was stolen. At least you are getting your money out of it. Now you can get something else.
+1 - pics and model numbers would be helpful. How old are these?
LOL. And how many crashes result in total incapacitation of the hands and feet where gloves and boots would have made ANY difference whatsoever? If your crash is that bad, it's most likely your arms and legs will be what is severely damaged, and no glove or boot will help you there. Something else to think about.