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Everything posted by lemosley01

  1. It was ok when temps were 6.50. Since Ohio (thanks Bob Taft, f-er) decided to put the screws to everyone it's too damn expensive to keep doing that. Pay your $25 for MSF and take the course. That way you can user their bikes and complete the test. Riding with someone else (not 2-up, one person/bike) is not required with temps. yotaman hit it with what you are not allowed to do.
  2. If I could do any of that shit, Chad. I might make me feel good! I haven't practiced wheelies so I suck. I know the bike can do them...the rider just can't. I'll continue to live vicariously through you.
  3. What are you going to drive instead of the Eclipse. Remember, we do get winter around here (sometimes). Can't imagine your truck would be that good when snow is on the ground. I wouldn't trade it, but that's because I see that particular R1 (as it sits) as a poseur bike - not my style. Now a regular R1 with some mods, I would.
  4. Yeah...depending on if you are Matt Mladin or one of the Hayden brothers. You pretty much can't go wrong no matter what you choose. It really is going to come down to what looks nicest and what feels best (and price, of course).
  5. post morse rd? Whereabouts?
  6. I assume you have experience riding? Liter bikes are not for newbies. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com and http://www.sportrider.com http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/ProductReview.aspx http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/BikeTest_Control.aspx
  7. 8:30 am at the McDonald's on 17th, then?
  8. He's getting old. That's what happens when you get married. Pretty soon he'll be going to bed at 9:30pm on Friday nights...
  9. Yes, but the element is actually selling. Unlike the Itanium.
  10. Is Intel still pushing that thing? What a clusterfuck. I think Intel got too smart. They kind of forgot past history - like how many years it took to move from 16 bit to 32 bit software even though the processors were commonly in use. Why did they think people would just dump their existing software or 'upgrade' to a more expensive machine that runs their existing software slower? I nominate Intel for the 'Poor Market Understanding' award of the decade.
  11. No. We haven't even begun to scratch the surface of 'real world' physics, but, frankly, in gaming it is almost not needed. How 'realistic' can you make something and still have it be fun? Honestly, real world physics are not fun. They suck. There will be many interations of coprocessors for that kind of math. Being the first isn't always the best in what could potentially be an emerging market. S3 Virge ring any bells?
  12. Well..it wasn't me. OT - when did you get your race license?
  13. Make sure you were a rubber...wouldn't want to gum up the insides of thing.
  14. Those I have seen. They're about as full of useful information (to a user) as BSODs are. Hopefully easier to debug, though.
  15. Actually, that shit isn't so bad once you know how to read it. However, once you get to a BSOD, you're beyond the realm of the average user. How does OSX handle driver problems like that? I mean, there is shit that goes on that the OS simply can't recover from (on Intel boxes, a MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION is an excellent example).
  16. Think I could drop by and test fit the seat? Thanks, Larry
  17. Hardly. There is a lot of 'blurring' of lines between RISC and CISC architecture. For example, the AMD architecture if VERY RISC like, while the PPC, IIRC, relies on some CISC tricks. Not as clear cut as it used to be and state of the art has advanced a VERY long way as witnessed by the efficiency of the AMD chips and the raw clock speed of the Intel chips. But as far as quality parts, I doubt what you pay for is 'quality' parts - at least, processor-wise. More likely you pay a premium for that little 'Apple' logo and all of the wizbang marketing that goes behind it. One of the articles I linked to even indicated that Apple overcharges outrageously for memory. [edit] In my 15 years of working with Intel boxes, I have never had a processor fail. Motherboards, drive controllers, and hard-drives, but no processors. The Apple motherboard might be better - some of the stuff that is coming out of asia is absolute garbage.
  18. LOL! So, in other words, it is a direct contradiction to everything Kip stated about why the PPC is better. PM sent! Thanks!
  19. Ben, can you get me that copy of OSX for Intel? I'm trying to become a convert...seriously.
  20. Yes...and this is to what I was replying: So..where do you address my point of shared components? Maybe you should try reading your posts and my post before slinging the names.
  21. O rly? http://www.barefeats.com/macvpc.html http://www.barefeats.com/mac2pc.html Gosh...looks like some serious Mac ownage here...
  22. I thought macs used mostly off the shelf parts for things like...ohh...memory, hard drives, video cards, etc. Other than the processor and motherboard, don't they share components with PCs? How is the same part in a PC junk, yet, in a Mac, it is 'superior'? If PPC is so superior (and I agree, that fundamentally it is a better achitecture), how come Apple is going away from it. Could it be it doesn't scale that well for the future?
  23. I bought a Corbin seat off of Ebay that was *supposed* to fit my 03 ZX-9. Of course it doesn't, even though the seller claimed it would. I *think* it is for a 94-97 ZX-9, but if anyone has one I would like to test fit it to make sure before I sell it. I want to make sure that I'm not spreading FUD.
  24. Nice bike. I guess it depends on what you mean by 'pull you around' on long cruises. For 1 person, it would be fine, but I'm sure it will be pretty sluggish with 2 people. I'm sure it would get the job done. I would probably opt for a bigger twin, myself if you plan on doing a lot of 2-up riding. Here is a review. http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/Article_Page.aspx?ArticleID=916&Page=2 Here is a user review: http://motorcycles.about.com/library/userreviews/ucrevbikes452.htm
  25. Looking good this week - rain in the forecast, but not freezing cold. When do bike nights start at QS&L?
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