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Everything posted by lemosley01

  1. If Hoblick doesn't want it, I'm interested.
  2. I have no preferences. How many other people have graduation parties this weekend? Ben (blazinjr) are you talking about the 278 and 328 - I just noticed those rodes on the maplink above. They look VERY nice. [edit] HOLY SHIT - I JUST SPELLED ROADS AS 'RODES'! I better take an internet break.
  3. Raining here on the westside. Ohio = teh suck I think I'm going to miss the 6:30 meet up, but I'll be up later when the rain stops. Green ZX-9, green jacket, blue HJC helmet.
  4. We'll see. Hopefully this shit comes in and leaves quickly. Radar shows it's a small (but violent) patch.
  5. Negative. I don't know any 'Dan's right now.
  6. Amy, the ZX-9 was my bike. I was probably sitting on the patio when you stopped by, though I don't recall seeing the blue and white gixxer. After I left there, I somehow ended up on Lambert Rd. Not a bad little piece of real-estate. Some nice sharp left/right corners and the surfance is smooth and clean.
  7. Damn! Hope you get better soon. MJ - no one ever posts the 'I went to ride and made it safely' threads that happen every day.
  8. I was there until about 7:40 or so. Pretty much just cruisers and guys sitting around drinking. I have no idea why Harley riders love to ride to a place then drink a bunch. R1, were you the guy on the R1 that had the girl on the back? There was someone there with an R1 at around 7 or so had a blond (I assume g/f) riding pillion.
  9. I didn't ride in today so I have to go home after work (get off at 5pm) and get the bike. Should be there by 6:30, assuming the idiot drivers don't crash and snarl up traffic.
  10. Maybe you should take up writing Movie or TV scripts. This sounds like something from South Park.
  11. Is Hoggies on tonight?
  12. Saturday or Sunday works for me. We might want to wait until we're a little closer to the weekend to see what the forecasters are predicting (or, guessing rather).
  13. Been a while since I've been up that way. Where is the shell in relation to 71/Polaris?
  14. I'm in. Where at and what time?
  15. Glad that you are (mostly) ok. Any idea what happened to cause the destruction?
  16. I was down in Kentucky last weekend (around flatwoods - there are some really nice clean roads down there. As I was driving, I was drooling over the thought. Wife will be out of town this coming week - Dragknee66 - are you up for a ride to Kentucky? Warning - I won't be strafing the curves at crazy speeds since I'm still getting used to the ZX-9 and riding again,
  17. Hi-po cars are money pits. It costs lots of $$$ to take a street car and double (or triple) its power, and cars like that tend to be high-strung. If you are in school, sell the car, get a cheap reliable car and finish school. If you want to go fast your GSXR-600 should fulfill that need.
  18. With 13 miles on it, it would almost certainly be a defect.
  19. Magnusson-moss warranty act. Tell that dealer to prove that the fall did the damage, not that it COULD have done it, but that it was responsible for it. Otherwise tell them to fix it or talk to your lawyer.
  20. A u-turn to the left and and a u-turn to the right.
  21. Big Papa are you headed to the dyno day over at Dynotune Motorsports? Starts at 11
  22. Works for me. Where is the Park N Ride at?
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