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Everything posted by JaSSon

  1. Ok, CWM SHOULD be pushed. Just need to figure what button combo launches it.
  2. Oh! It's doing stuff!
  3. I know it's a command line program. I thought it was a tool that lives in the sdk manager?
  4. Installed the latest ICS for my Pantech Burst, trying to root it. Can someone translate these instructions to english? http://tau.shadowchild.nl/attn1/?p=112 I've installed the Android SDK, I'll be damned if I can fine the ADB to proceed.
  5. I have an iPhone 4, and picked up a Pantech Burst for $66 on fleabay to dip my toes in Android. I think when the Note 2 comes out i may try and see if i could actually live with a phone that large.
  6. Is this review about LG, Capitol City Appliance, or your neighbor? :Gabe: So, LG is a brand to avoid, but their customer service is good?
  7. I'm getting sick of all the patent squabbles. The biggest losers are us, the consumers. Let everyone use any tech, lets see who makes the best phone.
  8. Next washer/drier we purchase will be front loading. They tend to be gentler on clothes. Some of them will cycle and run a fan every few minutes with a load in it to keep clothes from getting mildewy. As far as them never completely drying out, run a little bleach thru them now and then and it's a non issue.
  9. They still have gold and nickel Bucky Cubes.
  10. They're in trouble with the consumer safety board. May be related! . All ball and cube sets are discounted to $5. Shipping is flat rate $5.95. The sale ends at 8:00 EST. http://Https://www.buckyballs.com/order
  11. Cables go to the 3.5mm aux in and the 12v outlet in my center console under my armrest.
  12. I want one cable running from my Pantech Burst (my dabble with Android) to my armrest. Is there such a cable that starts as a micro usb cable, then splits into 3.5mm audio jack and power? Something like these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16855996357&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-NA-_-NA http://www.kensington.com/kensington/en/au/p/1409/33429/liquidaux%E2%84%A2-for-iphone-and-ipod.aspx Does such a cable exist?
  13. Hmmm, might try to make it out after work. Edit: hmmmm, may be a bad idea to spin a cracked rim up to the required speeds. I think I'll wait until the replacements are mounted, which is hopefully tomorrow.
  14. Jesus Christ Paul, click any of the links in previous posts. But here, this spells it out for you: http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/12/iphone-5-whats-changed/
  15. I disagree. The 90* angles and the SS bezel make it feel larger in the pocket than it really is. I'd like to see the beveled edges of the 3g and 3gs make a return. That phone disappeared into your pocket. Hell, even the HTC One X and GS3 disappear into your pocket, and they're massive!
  16. Thanks Joe, and thanks Mike for grabbing those for me!
  17. Meh, I'm unimpressed. It's a stretched out iP4S. I'll reserve final judgement until I see and hold one IRL. The Camry analogy seems pretty spot on here!
  18. I have AT&T. I have no complaints, but all I can compare it to is my work BB that runs on Sprint. Sprint is sooooo slooooow. My AT&T 3g is nearly as fast as Sprints 4g wimax. But here's a novel idea: wait until the next iPhone is actually unveiled. It could be another incremental update, no one knows yet.
  19. Rockin the MotoActv. Oh yeah! http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o149/loaded321/6BC231F0-BAD5-48B9-A4A6-C3BC9B78F121-8865-00000897F6575B55.jpg http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o149/loaded321/D1A54E33-F049-4B95-9834-DC44F27A0325-8865-00000897EE102C4B.jpg
  20. Drove over the crank, drove over the whole damned block!
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