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Posts posted by JaSSon

  1. Yeah those broadwells look quite epic! So put yourself in my shoes. . keep your i7 950 OC'd @ 4Ghz x58 build or upgrade and bask in the glory of new pc smell!


    I don't see an OC'ed i7-950 bottlenecking a GTX-770. I'd probably keep the Bloomfield CPU. Like I said, your biggest gain will be in better SATA support. USB3 support is also nice. Here's what I'd do: Buy a Sata3 pci-e card and newer/faster SSDs. The Crucial MX100 is the current bang/buck champ. Buy a USB3 controller card too.


    The generational performance increases have been pretty modest, but will make a difference over 3-4 CPU generations, and that 128MB L4 Cache could shake things up. I say wait for Broadwell reviews and make a decision then.


    Edit: You'd want to start with a fresh OS install with the new controller and SSDs.

  2. Do you think the haswell-e will drive all current gen intels down or have they pretty much stabilized in price?


    Haswell-e will have an impact on the pricing of Ivy Bridge-e, but I doubt it will impact the more mainstream CPUs. For that you'd need AMD to release a competitive product (don't hold your breath), or wait for the release of Broadwell.


    Broadwell seems interesting. The linked article states the socketed unlocked sku CPUs will have Iris Pro Graphics, which introduces a 128MB L4 cache.

  3. What are your goals? Is this for gaming? Is it for productivity? Are you running heavily threaded applications?


    There are two big perks to the E series chips: More cores, and more PCI-E lanes. So if you're using it for work and run heavily threaded software, and get paid by the project Haswell-e will help you get more done faster. Haswell-e also has access to 28-40 pci-e lanes (dependent on which CPU you buy) vs the 16 lanes available on mainstream i5 and i7 chips. The lanes can be used to provide bandwidth to either GPUs, or to new and faster storage standards (M.2 and SATA Express). But not both at once. If you want to run more than 2 GPUs and a pci-e 4x M.2 you pretty much need the Haswell-e.


    The bang for the buck CPUs have always been the i5 K series CPUs. The Newest Devil's Canyon i5-4690k will be a fantastic CPU all around. By default it turbos to 3.9GHz, but being K series it has an unlocked multiplier. It's $170ish cheaper than the low-end haswell-e i7-5820K, and will use more affordable DDR3. Personally, I don't believe DDR4 has been developed into an interesting product yet. The only real advantage is has over DDR3 is lower operating voltage. Sure, the frequencies are much higher, but so are the latencies. It balances out, and I doubt there's much performance improvement to be had in going to DDR4 for now.


    The biggest upgrade for you will be having access to SATA3 (and faster if you select a Z97 motherboard). A single Sata 3 SSD will be as fast as your current RAID 0 SSDs.

  4. Used NOS kit-staight 4an no pill (250-300 shot) and borrowed slicks.



    # winning.


    Thanks for the LOL. I've seen what happens when a bottle is cracked without a pill in place.


    To Casey: If you're looking for a fun sedan, you'd be doing yourself a disservice not to check out an E90 335i. Mine runs 12.50s with <$600 in mods. And 30 MPG. #winning

  5. The next wagon I am building is for a little boy who loves Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The wagon they chose from my collection is one that comes with bigger/rubber wheels from the factory. It was pretty rough looking, but sandblasting and powder coating will take care of that.


    I am hoping to have this one back from powder coating by the end of the week and wrapped up by the weekend.


    Needs this color scheme: http://www.actionfigurepics.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/043377941705_Inset3_ShellproofArmoredvehicle.jpg (Don't forget the design of the wheels!)

  6. I'm fine with someone open carrying a hand gun. It'll get their point across, and it's much less likely to panic the sheeple(not to mention it's more practical). But, there is absolutely no need to open carry a long gun in the US.* That guy went out of his way to be a douche about it. And if the article is accurate, he was muzzle sweeping other Starbucks customers. Yay gun safety 101.


    Take those Chipotle AR Douchebags. A bunch of fat Call of Duty looking gamers slung their ARs over their shoulders and caused such a commotion that Chipotle banned all guns from all their wonderful burrito shoppes. Those "activists" are assholes, and knew exactly what they were doing.


    Most of you reading this have been to a shooting range before. Are you allowed to just open carry your AR into the range/gun shop? Nope! Case it up and walk in politely! Why on earth would a friggin Starbucks (hipster left wing hangout central) be different???



    *The one exception I can think of off the top of my head applies to hunters carrying their shotguns to/from their cars. Maybe hitting some local diner on the way.



    With all the shootings in the past few years maybe he is paranoid. But he should be very careful as the media/government tells us that guns are bad, that gun could just start shooting all on its own.

    I question the sanity of the man that goes to the trouble of taking his AR all the way to the airport, just so he can enjoy a cup of the most expensive Starbucks coffee in the city. Either he is a little nuts, or he's just another asshole "activist" that knowingly went way out of his way just to cause a commotion and stir up shit.

  7. yes dogs areound, mine and the neighbors so in ground poison only


    I have a similar problem, but with the dogs I'm afraid of using poison. What happens if one of those rodents dies above the ground and my dog gets ahold of it?


    Something you can try: kill their food source. Get a grub killer for your grass and put it down.

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