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Everything posted by AJ

  1. I can do one for you too if you want. Only cost money. Mine isn't epoxy it's a polyurea. Hopefully it holds up for you, 68% of the floors I do I have to grind epoxy off of because it flakes up. Thanks B.
  2. and the salt won't hurt it anymore:)
  3. i didn't keep track. not counting my time there is well over 1k just in product. people always complain about how much getting their floor done cost and i tell them to price having it repoured and call me back lol.
  4. so i finally got around to fixing my garage floor. i'm only doing half this year and i'll do the other half in the spring. my house was built in the early 70's and not taken very good care of because they either didn't know or were too cheap to do it right. the water issues around the house (now fixed) cause the floor to drop in the front and side. the front dropped the most where the cement step pad is now. it was a good 6 inch drop under the step based off measurements i did. instead of fixing the floor the right way who ever owned the house before me just had that slap poured to "fix" the floor. the side of the garage dropped 2.5 inches. when we first moved in. http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/11443_313246550276_537465276_9662281_6253427_n.jpg here i build a main base of 3 inches so i didn't have to use as much of my stuff to level the floor. then i built up the transition again to use less of the stuff we use on floors. notice the crack. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/315783_10150914482270277_537465276_21402259_1877549786_n.jpg http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/312900_10150914482740277_537465276_21402267_801460659_n.jpg in the front of the floor by the door there was a lot of cracks and salt damage. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/313217_10150914483275277_537465276_21402272_1034596422_n.jpg all the salt damage filled, the floor ground smooth and crack control joints cut. the big stuff i filled with an epoxy (rhino linings 2300) we have that i mixed with sand. the cracks were filled with a product called concrete restore (another rhino product) its a rapid cure epoxy mixed with sand. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/385775_10150915522320277_537465276_21409704_1554220903_n.jpg with the front and the side leveled with 12 50lb bags of sand and 30 gallons of 2300 epoxy everything was ground smooth. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/385992_10150915524550277_537465276_21409718_1437950169_n.jpg http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/310620_10150915523920277_537465276_21409711_1651032489_n.jpg with everything cleaned the coat was rolled out and then charcoal gray chips broadcast into the wet base. http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/386566_10150915526000277_537465276_21409729_403417917_n.jpg with the base dry the clear coat was rolled out. i mixed a few different colors to get a medium gray step to make it stand out from the floor a little better. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/311016_10150917468835277_537465276_21420902_903950330_n.jpg
  5. AJ

    Isle of Man

    i don't see the two guys they showed going off track walking away from those crashes.
  6. http://www.facebook.com/ajax/messaging/attachment.php?attach_id=14ac5ffd85b85ba64e8a55e1a37a596b&mid=id.286582398042867&ext=1320982514&hash=AQC4VLMRXk4CE61P
  7. should have had me do it. could have put the back back the next day and not had to post this on cr:masturboy:
  8. AJ

    New Car

    he is talking about the 3rd gen camaro no the pt loser in the back ground.:masturboy:
  9. been done already. the swaps are easy, you can get most of the part at jegs. it would make things way easier on you if you swap the transmission and engine that way you have a auto 4 speed or 6 speed and less mods to do to the pcm and wiring.
  10. if thats offensive to you than your in for a world of hurt around here.:dumb:
  11. i have a stock F-body balancer.
  12. nobody cares about drifting since its gay.
  13. lots of autocross events.
  14. Your running a drag car so it doesn't matter. You run that set up with a big fuel pump on a street car for a few hundred miles you'll be sitting on the side of the road until you can get the fuel to cool down.
  15. they only do that if its a poor system design with a dead head regulator or runs return through the fuel rails.
  16. http://www.latinoreview.com/images/stories/blu-ray_dvd-screencaps-3/jun-hall-car-wank.jpg
  17. Not gay enough for an event like this since Phil and Paul will both be there.
  18. Chances are I'll be there only because I couldn't find anything better to do.
  19. The house next to me is for sale. If you bought it your neighbor is a dick just to warn you.
  20. AJ

    New Mustangs?

    i'm sure if you order a car from them it would get done faster than someone just ordering their parts to build their own.
  21. nevermind, i have too much self respect for my self. plus i fell asleep.
  22. all in favor of permaban say "I"
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