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Everything posted by AJ

  1. free car to the lucky winner of todays scavenger hunt!
  2. good luck selling that bike with no title.
  3. AJ

    5.4 vs 4.6

    haha you said "stoke wise"
  4. AJ


    looks like a fan motor.
  5. i didn't have much of a learning curve. i think one lap was all i needed and was good to go. gabe, if you want you can buy my kart. just rebuilt the engine and carb so its good to go.
  6. its a cheepie from harbor freight. if you take some time and tune it it works amazing.
  7. I should be there tomorrow. I am breaking in the engine today. It's amazing it even ran with everything I found inside of it.
  8. Buy a metal band saw. Since I got mine I have not used my chop saw one time.
  9. your a pretty man:masturboy:
  10. my timing light has advanced and retard settings so i set it to the degrees i want and then line it on on zero on the timing tab.
  11. at first i was like :fuckyeah: when you said mini tub but then i was like this when you said automatic and transbrake. thought it was going to be something cool, i was wrong. carry on.
  12. http://www.demotivationalposters.org/image/demotivational-poster/0902/hardcore-gamer-loser-vigin-virginity-nerd-gaming-gamer-demotivational-poster-1234151474.jpg
  13. http://digital.leadnet.org/images/2008/03/30/hycw_bad_design_poster_0007innova_4.jpg
  14. what kind of car guy are you that you can't tell the difference between a trans am and a camaro. man card, hand it over.:dumb:
  15. i don't remember them being so violent.
  16. this could go a few different directions.:lolguy:
  17. That's a 4.5gpf toilet. Off Taylor. It just looks that way in the pictures there is a good 3 feet between the toilet and shower wall.
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