Wow, alot of good useful info, thanks fella's. He was the only car involved, I looked at the damage. Its a BIG 'bump' on the driver's side skirt just under the driver's door. Normally I'd say fuck it and move on with life but its a newer car and i was actually looking at selling it in the near future, cant do that if its looks like shit. I have full coverage because I still have an loan for the car. I wouldnt MIND if I just had to pay the duductable (which i think is $1,000 and of course my folks would pay it) so long as I know it wouldn't have a lasting impact on my insurance history or payments from here on out.
Long story short, mom definitly wears the pants in the family. So when she gets back from her business trip I'll ask her what she thinks and give her some options. A- Fix it out of pocket. B- claim it (somehow) on her insurance or work out a payment to me via insurance. C- buy the car from me so I dont have to deal with the hassle of fixing it then selling it
Believe it or not Im liking C the most.