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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Damn how slow is your phone's browser and service?
  2. +1 It was interesting to watch the dynamics in the audience though. With a good portion of R's and D's mixed it kind of subdued a good amount of the incessant cheering (or jeering). Was kind of nice.
  3. fusion

    "the Cape"

    The first episode was decent but it's definitely going down hill. They have done nearly enough with Summer Glau's role/back story.
  4. Macs are PCs and always have been. Back when I had to deal with desktop support on a decent scale, I had to support Macs along with Windows based machines. We usually saw more issues on average with the Macs (software and hardware) than we typically saw with the Windows machines. Honestly we (the teams I've worked with anyway) didn't see big problems with either for the most part. That goes back to even some 3.x days with Windows. I've probably been blessed with not working with a ton morons throughout my career so that might have something to do with it. The OS's are different definitely different though. I can get around either fine, but OSx makes me want to slit my wrists. I just don't like it for some reason. Plenty of options out there for everyone though. If one of my kids wanted a Mac for school I would have no problem (other than cost) getting them one.
  5. It's completely true. The QC process has nothing to do with it being the same hardware. The point being you can get and build a PC with the same hardware at the same quality (and even better most of the time) if you want without the Apple mark up. The have a rock solid rep of hardware because they used to use some components that were proprietary to them that were head and shoulders above anything the rest of the PC market had. That was a long time ago. When Intel and others started producing components that were better and more cost effective than what they were having built on their own they made the switch.
  6. It's PC hardware you can get anywhere...
  7. I saw this earlier and my expression was about the same as eggs avatar.
  8. The Fox in the Morning cast, Michael Savage, Rudy Guiliani, Sarah Palin,...
  9. Powder coating! New wheels! New LCD screen! More powder coating! (See we're not ALL about chrome) New tank! (Clean on the left, pump it on the right!) Did we mention...Black denim finish! And holy shit, what is that!? Glossy black headlamp bitches!!!
  10. The framers thought otherwise. A little light on our 2nd Amendment history are we?
  11. If only there was some precedent for the gov't forcing Americans to buy stuff like guns or something.
  12. No one said that. Again, I said, "...you can learn enough self defense/hand-to-hand to make a difference." I'm not going to bother to spell it out further, again. You seem to be jumping from 'able to shoot gun' to 'magical Chuck Norris'. Where I'm going from 'able to shoot a gun' to 'learn enough practical self defense to give yourself opportunity to actually be able to use your gun when needed'
  13. You aren't aware of how useless a gun generally is under 25-30 feet if your assailant is charging/attacking and insistent on hurting/killing you are you? Read up on the Tueller Drill. Even while facing and expecting the attack most people can't draw and fire on an assailant at 20 feet even with practice before they can reach you. In reality an attack is unexpected, increasing reaction time, and closer when realized, reducing time to react. Get a good idea of how far 20-25 feet is. Now go walk around in everyday situations and see just how many people fall into a circle that extends that distance around you. A gun isn't the great equalizer people think it is. There's plenty of things that can be done to create space and time to clear a weapon for use even if you are in a wheel chair or your attacker is much larger/younger/faster/stronger than you. I'm saying all this as someone who carries and has a wife that carries often.
  14. Can tell you've never taken any real self defense or hand-to-hand training. There are plenty of things someone can do even if they don't have the use of some of their limbs. ...and where you guys keep getting this "whoop someones azz" crap? It's not just about beating the shit out of your opponent. It's primarily about situational awareness and improving your situation if an incident can't be avoided. Of course there is an increasing level of escalation if the threat persists, but it's not a frickin' movie where they destroy your opponent from the get go.
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