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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Just another reason we get frustrated with cagers and they'll never understand why...
  2. That never made sense to me when people say that. So if it was just me in my car it's alright, but me on my bike and someone thinks I'm wasting a parking space. No friggin' sense at all.
  3. I like to kick bikes over I see parked on sidewalks. Don't be a cock, park in a parking spot.
  4. That's the way it's seen though. They will possibly see it as a) You aren't your property. and b) They brought the gun in case they ran into an issue, not to use it premeditatedly. They'll back that up by the fact that the unarmed guy was the one in the position to get shot, not the armed one. Of course the person doing the shooting will have to prove he was armed to begin with and asked why he didn't shoot the guy with the gun instead of the one that was unarmed. Phrasing a statement like 'if you could see well enough that he had a gun, couldn't you see well enough to shoot the one that was armed and "obviously" a threat' that will probably be enough to be a reasonable level of doubt in a juries mind to swing a verdict.
  5. Breaking into your house I don't think in its self is consider instigating an altercation that might result in bodily harm. The stance is probably something along the lines of 'let them have the TV and call the cops, it's not worth killing over.'
  6. I think the writer is exaggerating a bit just to have a story. I think the point is to just more be more aware of when it's necessary to fire on someone and when it might be of better judgement to back down and get to somewhere safe. This one reads pretty much like a non-story unless there is information missing. The only concern the guy might have is he shot and killed the unarmed guy, I can see that getting spun all sorts of ways.
  7. Vector outputs are for resizing when printing just about anything graphics oriented. Even if you send somebody something that isn't converted to a vector there's a good chance they do it before they print anyway. If Art can't get your stuff done give the guys at Stick 'Em Up! Stickers, Signs and Decals in Beavercreek a call or send them an email. 231-7141 stickemup77@yahoo.com. Good people, they might be able to help you out.
  8. fusion

    Which one?

    Red. The Phoenix graphics suck. I can't remember from the last time I saw one, but if they aren't clear coated over though you could always remove the Phoenix on the white and have a blank canvas.
  9. They should have let Lea Michele sing the SSB instead.
  10. Selling WoW characters has been going on for years. Largest single character sale I've read about is somewhere around $9k-10k
  11. fusion

    Carry options

    We have an XD 9 subcompact and love it. Great gun.
  12. Love that movie. No idea how many times I've watched it now.
  13. He explains it here: http://www.greeksky.gr/files/photos/landscapes/20101230Sounio24.htm
  14. That's the one thing I hated at first, you get used to it. The kids run around around with it on their helmets and stuff all the time snowboarding and it doesn't look bad, just sticks out a bit.
  15. Ah I'm not sure. You could probably measure the ball head on the DroidX mount and then compare it to the specs on the Ram ball for the one you're looking at. You might be able to contact them also.
  16. The GoPro's HD video quality has been hard to beat by others. Also, I'd rather not have a cord running down me to the controller. Also, the HD version you want is here: http://pointofviewcameras.com/vio-pov-hd-camera.html and is $599. and also, I'd like to watch you use that as a camera to run around with on a whim.
  17. I'll grab mine out of the car in a bit after my lazy ass gets motivated.
  18. That made my week when i read that the other day. I'm glad to see they are including 4 different backs with it also.
  19. If not a sport bike the riding position is closer to a sport tourer than a cruiser. It looks similar to the riding position on our 650r. That was my first thought but while eyeballing it, it didn't seem like there was enough difference (combined with seating and peg position) to move it from sportbike to cruiser really.
  20. What am I missing? Other than another cup of coffee. What makes that not a sportbike?
  21. They already know how to exploit the system. Only a complete idiot couldn't figure this stuff out.
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