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Everything posted by fusion

  1. I've seen plenty of people (men, women, kids,...) in wheel chairs take self defense classes. Add to that what I said was "...you can learn enough self defense/hand-to-hand to make a difference.". I think you've been watching too many Ninja Turtle movies.
  2. Yeah these are fun. They come up with some great stuff. Some of the bonus tracks are really good too.
  3. That statement is complete bullshit. If you can draw, aim and fire a weapon to hit a target, you can learn enough self defense/hand-to-hand to make a difference.
  4. That's awesome to hear if you have prepared. Most don't. There's very few of us that carry and have any kind of hand-to-hand or defense training at all. I've always found it interesting that those so dead set on guns as a must have for self defense never pursue other means of training for the defense of themselves and others. Especially once you consider that inside 20+ feet or so you can't draw and fire fast enough to stop a charging assailant or attacker.
  5. but I'm a man of mystery! right?! right?

  6. Or if the robber is holding the line up.
  7. Awesome! If there is some real interest I would be more than happy to try and kick this off again even if we just made it a weekly, monthly or what ever theme to shoot and share.
  8. You asked a question around a ridiculous hypothetical so I answered it as such. Except for the second part of my response of course. What if Barney Fife was on patrol? What if... Correlation does not...
  9. All that fancy researching you whipper snappers do these days must come with some of that handy citation.
  10. I'd shoot the guy open carrying, empty his pockets, and make sure he had his gun in his hand before I called the cops. Of course none of that matters. You can't pull a gun fast enough to defend yourself most of the time anyway. People who rely on their gun as first line of defense are only kidding themselves.
  11. I've not been attacked by a tiger since I switched from coffee to tea.
  12. Yeah had I known I have a couple of places you might have been able to store it.
  13. That's dumb. Of course you can still open carry.
  14. I heard he had a dragon, but you know flames, chaos and all that...
  15. The guy that was shot by Laughner and probably suffering from PTSD?
  16. That's awesome. Hopefully we'll see you out there this year.
  17. That's cool. We've been looking at it since last year, but we've had trouble getting more people to commit to it. You guys choose a charity?
  18. Which is why I don't carry most of the time at all.
  19. fusion

    Indoor range

    Man dem Nazi's are scary
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