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Everything posted by fusion

  1. So it absolutely does work and works well. We now know a few people that are way more successful at it then we have been. For us it's the diet part with the kids and having overly busy schedules that causes the most problems. A couple of people we know that still do it look like they stepped out of the friggin commercial.
  2. He was in the wrong, but I'm finding it hard to care. He and Taylor Swift both suck and at this point I'm not sure who uses auto-tune more. I don't care for her crap, but at least Taylor Swift seems to have some talent for writing music.
  3. Congrats man, nice gun. My wife loves hers.
  4. Only something like a 7% increase i read somewhere..which I don't like btw. Right now we are still working under the last budget also. Who know what will happen. I don't like some of his policies, but I'm willing to give him a decent amount of time like I would have McCain before I start passing real judgments on affects.
  5. Nah they will still be paying for things like Iraq way before they get to the healthcare money.
  6. Neither... it's a mini SUV if it has 4wd and a wagon if it's 2...
  7. Neither of my 08's have burned oil...
  8. Every president has had people in those types of positions...
  9. When I trashed my last 1000rr at a trackday my insurance company covered it...
  10. Nope first I typed shill and then considering the source I decided shrill was more fitting. Sorry probably a poor attempt at a play on such close words.
  11. Definitely agree. I don't doubt you aren't. I'm the same way. I don't hesitate for a second to say something when it comes to my kids. I can agree with that for the most part. The news is almost painful to watch on any channel any more. There's no right or left about it, but I definitely think some are better at it then others and saying liberal media or main stream media is being a bit disingenuousness. Ah come on. I don't always agree with Justin on some things, but one of things you have to give him is that for the most part he likes to back up his stuff with some decent sources. Michelle Malkin really? You complained about the liberal media and your source is a right wing shrill? Come on man...
  12. I think we understand where each other come from, agree or not, so I'll comment on this last part. I never said I wouldn't like to know before hand, but there is a huge difference between the president speaking to my kids and say my kids being taken to some function. You don't get a full transcript of all of your kids' classes for school do you? Feel free to provide examples of "left wing media spin" or them micromanaging Bush and Cheney and I'll address those. At least you seem to be admitting it's happening to Obama while trying to say b-b-b-but the evil mainstream media did it too... This is almost exactly what I read from the get go... "During this special address, the president will speak directly to the nation's children and youth about persisting and succeeding in school. The president will challenge students to work hard, set educational goals, and take responsibility for their learning."
  13. That might be a little paranoid. Name one person that you can't say that about. I bet that I can form the opinion of ANYONE that says they have questionable character and intent based on any number of things. It doesn't take much if you're reaching. You might as well say no President ever should be allowed to speak to the children of America using that argument. You're right and it is your choice. If you want to raise your children to be paranoid and hate, that's fine, you're right. (just so we're clear I'm not stating that's what you're doing, just a more extreme example) You're children are yours to raise as you see fit, but we have different opinions obviously on what we consider responsible. I educate and communicate with my kids, I don't hide their eyes constantly and make them afraid of the boogey man. I'm not a big fan of Obama for any number of reasons, but calling him a communist is a huge stretch and stating he has socialist tendencies I find an odd complaint. Society can't be successful without at least some socialist tendencies. I'm not sure why they would plan to release it to everyone to begin with and I'm not sure why it would be an IF of what the message is. I find it incredibly amusing how the opposition to the President wants to spin everything he does and seems to want to micromanage every damn event. The message has always been stated that it's going to be a stay in school and do well type message.
  14. Thanks you're super. Ummm ok feel free to state an opposing opinion...which I'm sure will be filled with lots of fantastic fact supported by sources for your information. No I didn't I merely stated that as an opinion and I didn't disparage another for stating their's. You might want to go back and read that string of messages. He made a statement about what Obama has done and is doing to this nation and that is what is being referred to in the Whargarbl comment and he then clarified. I didn't say opinions don't matter. You're putting words in my mouth and you're mixing two entirely different conversations of which (I described earlier) you missed the point of altogether. I find it funny that you phrase it as a "speech of unknown content from a guy"... You realize you're talking about the President of the United States right? Not some random guy off the streets. Bush (Clinton, Bush, Reagan, ....) could have wanted to do the same thing, phrase the material delivered exactly the same way and not delivered the speech before hand and I would have not had a problem with it. Technology has driven the need of people to "need" to know everything so quickly. My job as a parent is to talk to my child about the speech, letting them know how I feel about the content of the speech with out drawing in all sorts of unrelated crud. From there we discuss it, I answer any of their questions and let them for and develop their own opinions based on that. If you're opinion is OMG he's a filthy socialist bent on destroying America no way am I letting my children listen to the President, but the content of his speech is only stay in school, do well, strive to better, learn civics and the duties of citizens surrounding them... then well you should really take a hard look at yourself as a parent.
  15. I guess I'm a little slow today and you'll have to spell it out. I'm not the only to express what's in the first quote. The second merely says he didn't supply any evidence to claims he was making in order to support his side. For what it's worth, he said in his response that it was merely his opinion he was stating. So continue to color me confused.
  16. Easy...because the president is speaking and it's a position our children SHOULD be able to look up to and want to support. Also, it's not unusual to ask questions in the context of the speaker. You'll have to provide evidence that he will sound like a "socialist scumbag" in his speech. I have only seen opposition members spin what is being said at any given chance. I'm trying to avoid a "OMGWTFCOMMIE Obama wants us to be socialists!" here as well. I think he will stick to a stay in school type message. I also think they should have released the speech a little earlier only because of the climate as of late surrounding certain parties taking every chance to attack the president no matter the validity of their argument. I think also he should encourage an increased learning of civics early in school. The only probably is if even mentions phrases similar to like "civic duty" (which is a good thing) it will be spun into some BS whargarbl.
  17. I actually have no problem with the original wording. Why? Well because any intelligent person could see it as a generic office of the president, help their country type of thing, civics. Of course when you have a bunch mental midgets who over politicize everything it becomes brain washing and recruitment. The GOP is increasingly becoming a incredible embarrasement to American politics every time they open their mouths.
  18. I asked for a reason. I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm certainly not the only person that expressed the views I had in this thread but for some reason I'm the one you felt the need to drag into your discussion with Justin.
  19. He cracks me up. The kids and I just got done watching that episode, it was pretty great.
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