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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Baseball isn't a real sport anyway. Might as well enroll the kid in a Go Fish league.
  2. I didn't say it was slow, I said I thought it was faster. That's only a little faster than the STi stock and the STi is cheaper and has considerably more (and probably better priced) mods available.
  3. What a let down. I looked real quick and it looks like only a 12.5 second quarter mile stock. I thought it was faster.
  4. Holy old news!!!!!! OMGWTF!?!!??!!! I can't believe it!!!! End of the world! More fear! All praise Yobama!
  5. Gratz nice new ride!
  6. Had some d-bag kid in daddies CTS-V egging me on to race him this weekend at a light. He should have been paying better attention or learn how to drive, I had 2 car lengths on him quickly. What a waste. I would love to drive one. Edit: Just to clarify I wasn't on the bike. This was in the cage.
  7. yup Zombie.... KILL IT!!!!!!!!11!!1!
  8. I think I read somewhere earlier this year it beats the 'vette, Viper and Porche equivalents also in the 0-60 and quarter mile stock.
  9. They have one up at Castrucci here in Dayton, looks fantastic in person. 0-60 in 3 secs and quarter mile is ~11.5 seconds stock.
  10. Countless XP and Vista machines for a wide variety of uses and we have next to zero problems with any of them. Most of our problems are hardware related. We have everything from laptops/desktops where the user can install anything they want to an environment where it's all .mil (super locked down) and the lack of OS issues is consistent across the board. I've been an MCSE since '97 and I'm amazed at the number of people that cause their own problems and blame the OS or application.
  11. fusion


    It's not difficult to knock out a guy who isn't expecting it, even open handed.
  12. lol I guess that is true in some cases. $1.25 per pack or something if I remember right.
  13. You don't honestly think that they would lower the taxes on the casino do you? At least not if it's not in the schedule to be done automatically. What other businesses pay a 50% tax rate on profits to the state?
  14. Similar to what I was thinking. This actually limits the locations to larger population centers in Ohio.
  15. You're right nothing is clearly better something and everybody loves paying higher taxes.
  16. Jimmy spooges in the pesto. It's his secret sauce...
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9mtvRryams
  18. Yup I'm on as jfusion but I hardly post. Been a member there since Jan 2006, but I only have 376 posts.
  19. Yeah we'll see when it finally gets here lol. I was hoping to already have it. Lenses before bodies is my general rule.
  20. The 50D does better than the 40D at high ISO but only barely. I have the 7D on order, can't wait until it gets here. If I didn't shoot sports I'd get a 5DII.
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