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Everything posted by DOZZER

  1. Let me know when it is.. I feel the need to take a big stinky shit in your bathroom


    Scotty would hit it.

    Hey FUBAR

    After the day I had.. I drove 300 miles today and fixed five broke down semi's and just now got home.

    Hey FUBAR

    LOL. That comment made my day.
  5. I am painting it black and striping it like an 70 boss 302. The stripes will be red. I am debating on putting some flip flop metalic clear over it.
  6. The only bondo is on the wing where an F-250 kissed it.
  7. With all the bugs I had last year and the engine laying over at 4800 rpms and only running 11.13's. I decided to pull it and have it dynoed. The gentleman I took it to is hooking me up with a much larger solid roller, fly cutting the pistons, and dyno tuning it for me. I hope to have it back soon. So in the mean time I decided to brighten her up a little. This is where I am starting at http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n247/BDOZZER/S6300023.jpg http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n247/BDOZZER/S6300024.jpg http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n247/BDOZZER/S6300025.jpg http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n247/BDOZZER/S6300026.jpg http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n247/BDOZZER/S6300027.jpg http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n247/BDOZZER/S6300028.jpg I just got tired of trying to keep it clean and the paint was pealing off. I have already started fixing the rear wing and some other little spots.
  8. M96 expiditionary rifle Rem. 1100 Gold cup .45

    Who here Don't Drink

    No.. Mendy would cop me up and use my ass for fish bait.
  10. DOZZER

    Who here Don't Drink

    I am off tomorrow.. So I am drinking Jager now
  11. DOZZER

    Who here Don't Drink

    I drink a shit load of Jager bombs and hit on skanks
  12. If it is the same douche, the car is black. He would only race me last year from an 80 roll :jerkit:
  13. DOZZER

    Who here Don't Drink

    Yes you are....... But look on the bright side CR doesn't discriminate against homosexuals
  14. That's what I said when I opened my email.
  15. http://www.liquitec.net/email/2009-04-06/index.html Discuss
  16. Good intro. Nice collection weolcome.
  17. Hanging out with my dad and his racing buddies. He painted and fixed cars. Both of my uncles had trucking companies and did all their own repair work. From mini bikes, go-carts, and farm trucks if I broke it I had to fix it. My good friend Lee show me alot about nos, super chargers, and turbos before I could legally drink. Regardless how much I have learned I am always looking for more knowledge.
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