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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. I love doing shit like that at Home depot because the signature shows up on their monitors. I think only one time a cashier actually noticed but they didnt say anything.
  2. I bought 4 of them. I'm going to crash them and have three for back ups.
  3. did anyone take the time to consider that the baby might have eaten his own toes???? Let's stop blaming everyone else
  4. Having a sense of belonging is one of those big pieces of the puzzle that is life. Travel to central america is relatively inexpensive, and no matter what you decide you should take some time and see where you came from. I am 100% positive that after you see where you came from you will be grateful for where you are. Most people don't get joy from giving kids up, the decision is almost always made out of love. I am not very well connected at OSU but I can help you make some phone calls. You may have the best luck talking to people from the Medical Center as many nurses and doctors volunteer their time working in less developed countries. If you don't have a passport get one that way when you do decide you are ready to go. When I went to costa rica last month the plane ticket was just under $400. Look to stay in a Hostel as there will be many college age travelers and alot of them speak spanish.
  5. With your positive attitude I think you are going to be very disappointed the day after graduation.
  6. It would have to be unless there was some other woman around. Guys aren't that bad of drivers
  7. I am not sure, but I did fix my little problem.
  8. When are you heading up to Ann Arbor? Are you riding? I think I am going to this ride on Sunday and may start from Lorain with you guys
  9. I guess they need to add a torque ratio in there too
  10. I have a team of mexicans follow me around too but they just try stealing my bike.
  11. It just felt that way because I didn't go this year
  12. If we go to put in bay we can rent tandems get drunk, and have races!
  13. you might need to fix your watch, its three days behind:)
  14. Its cool the baby is white so he can eat granola. Those two black guys want nothing to do with that granola
  15. R1Crusher and JRMIII were glad they were in the car with you
  16. In smashweights defense you really cant hear or read. Maybe you just cant comprehend the things you have read. The officer that pulled them over asked "Do you have anything on you I should know about" and goofball responds "A couple of badges" <-That is flaunting being a cop
  17. uncle punk for president impeach osama
  18. I fixed your list (changes in Bold)
  19. I have been know to sport the lazy man beard. positive rep for you
  20. She better be creative, because he has heard a few good ones
  21. I took a break from crapping to do some work. I get two 15minute breaks and an hour for lunch
  22. remember you have to convert that from Kph to Mph so its really only ~40Mph
  23. well since I can post from the bathroom now, I might as well help
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