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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. So being able to afford nice things for your kids is now frowned upon? Also, since when did giving nice things to your kids and spending time with them become mutually exclusive? If I have a kid and I feel that he/she has earned a iPhone for doing something that went above and beyond, and it's within my budgetary resources to buy said iPhone, then my kid's getting an iPhone.

    That wasn't his point but many people choose to work and buy shit they don't "need" rather than spend less time at work and more with their kids

  2. I'm on my 2nd Outback Wagon and I'll be looking for another after this one. I am considered essential personnel and my arrival is critical regardless of the weather. There has been no road condition that has held me back. Remember the blizzard in March a few years ago? A Subaru laughs at snow. I usually can't tell the road is slippery with the grip my car gets.

    I have Nokian WR G2 winter tyres.


    You won't have any problem in the winter with these on a Subaru. I just wish I could also have a WRX STI for the fun factor.


    The wife's sti is rediculous in the snow.

    Next year I may go with full snow tires on the cayenne if I can find some in 22"

  3. Magz, I respect your opinions just like I respect everyone's opinions but this has caused me to lose all respect for any of your opinions. Do you have any respect for people or the dead at all? What could possibly make you think that this was a good idea? It shouldnt matter what you opinions are on how someone died, you should respect them and those close to them. This hurts me that you could possibly pull something like this. I am very disappointed. I would have thought you would be a better person than that.

    The I'm not mad I'm just disappointed.

    I've met some special forces guy and they were the most humble, respectful and giving people I have ever met.

  4. Again... We're all screaming about "shall not be infringed" and "civil war" but none of that happened in '94 with the first AWB. I like to have answers for anti-gun folks when they want to debate these things, but I've never figured out a good answer to why the first AWB was never challenged.

    Gov't tried something and it didn't work. To try it again and expect different is insane.

  5. If they can't get what they want through legislation, what are the chances they'll try to repeal the 2nd?

    So what did everyone here do in '94? That ban passed with republican support and was never challenged.

    Good, this country is too complacent it need a good uprising. A chance for people to stand for something.

    Just like the wealthy leaving California because of their taxes people will leave New York because of their gun laws.

  6. I've conceded that you get half of your reasoning correct. You appear to be smarter than the average bear but can't seem to make it past your ruling culture. Your kind of help aligns you firmly with the rulers and is the kind of help not needed. You have embraced existing infringements and believe adding more layers to the issue will fix things. The enemy from within.

    Never knew you were so deep. Ill compromise on my privleges not my rights.

  7. I really wish I could get alcohol delivered!
    Well when was that? and who? me need alcohol!!!!!
    I had it delivered to a friends house in high school once. answered the door in just a towel. Amazing how those youngsters freak out and give you the beer and pizza for free when you accidentally drop the towel. And YES it was an accident.

    Wait a minute first you wish such a service existed, then you are amazed to hear that it does, and then you have some outrageous story about it....

    I'm not buying it...

    • Upvote 1
  8. Well, we do have Bad123, so that makes it Jersey-Shore-ish

    C-bus is so bad they had to build a freeway 270 around it so you don't have to actually go through the city. ( I know weak, but that is all I have )

    270 70 and 71 look like a bullseye from 30000 feet that way the pilots won't miss when they blow up this shithole.

    Somalia 2 > than Cleveland

  9. cleveland is the anus considering it is continually getting longdicked by the game of life.

    i was up there at christies for a bacheolor party. as a drunk walking down the streets of downtown, the steaming sewers and vacant buildings made me wanna stab my eyes out with a rusty soldering iron. i felt like i was in the book "The Road".

    I just had to quote this so it would be in the thread more than once

  10. Wow..... All recent ops in southern states that filed petitions to secede. smile.gif

    My big question is that if this is training for elite military forces to run urban based ops in other countries, why are local LEO's involved and being trained?

    Our cities are nothing like Iran. Our LEO's will never be in Iran. Add to that the 1500 Assault Weapons and stockpiling of ammo by DHS. If it quacks and all that.

    Seems to me the only plausible explanation is that they are training for a US Joint OP in American Southern Cities......??? No, not our govt....

    I would be really concerned when these training exercises are at night and you dont hear them

  11. also would share the same cost as it is my company vehicle. The LR is the owners and he gave me first dibs if I'd rather have that than the truck since he is up for a new one and this is paid off and company owned already

    Since you have a live in girlfriend it doesn't matter.

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