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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. So I'm pooping and as my ass was burning I suddenly remembered eating buffalo wings the night before. When I wiped the sesame seed looked familiar, just like the ones on the burger I had for lunch. The blood I don't remember, I guess vampires do exist and I am secretly a vampire at night. I can confirm that we don't sparkle in the light.

  2. If you generating a consistent 1.5-2% per month, you are one of the greatest money managers of all time. That's more than double what is considered a good return for any reasonably solid investment choice. I'd be happy if my 401k would consistently get above 7% a year. :(

    Reinvested dividends and covered calls. It's all about fixed income!

    Money managers have a hard time making large returns because their funds are large enough to move the market. I sell a couple thousand shares and the stock price stays flat. Can't do that with hundreds of thousands of shares. Do your slept a favor and invest some time in learning about finance, it is worth it.

    Ok back to reading my public finance and policy book

  3. You'll need a hell of a lot more than 500k. That might be just enough to cover health insurance premiums.

    I've been coming up with plans to retire in 20 years since high school. Every time I look back on my plan two years after I make it, I realize how much I didn't figure in to it. Now that I'm in my mid forties, a full five years after my first planned retirement age, I'm working on a twelve year plan. I'd be willing to bet this one will get bumped back again before I get there.

    Between dividends and option sales I pull a consistent 1.5-2% a month. What kind of investments are you doing that you are not getting the return you need?

  4. '67 Shelby GT500 has always been my dream car.

    My Dad had a '70 Chevelle LS6 SS, but that was before I was born. It was stolen, was found in an abandoned barn months later and had been stripped and burned......talk about pissed, he still has trouble talking about that car

    There is a gt500 in our secret garage. It's in great condition but what a piece of shit those old cars were. I had a headache after driving that thing 20 miles.

    Never cars only for me unless it is a restomod

  5. Estimate your bare minimum yearly living expenses, and then double them.

    Multiply that number by the number of years you plan to live beyond retirement.

    That is your MINIMUM number. I would triple the expenses before multiplying to account for medical expenses in your later years, and general fun while you're 55-too tired for fun.

    Where did you come up with that?

  6. Find me a ZR1 with less than 10,000 miles on it. :D

    There is one with 2912 miles in NY for 78,500

    I can buy you one from Manheim here are some 2009 zr1 sales

    05/17/12 ARENA IL Regular $87,900 3,142 Above Blue 8G M Yes

    05/31/12 HOUSTON Regular $72,800 22,210 Avg Silver 8CY M Yes

    08/06/12 PA Regular $76,500 2,994 Avg GRAY 8G 6 Yes

    08/14/12 RIVRSIDE Regular $68,000 12,250 Avg NONE 8G A Yes

    11/14/12 SEATTLE Regular $85,000 206 Above Black 8CY M Yes

    01/15/13 ORLANDO Regular $70,000 27,227 Avg GRAY 8G 6 Yes

  7. What would you say is a good number to have saved up for retirement? I realize this depends on the age at which one decides to retire. Also the number of years one might live after they retire. My goal is to retire doing tuning full time as early as 45 and as late as 50. I am imagine I will still be able to get work on side providing I am able to keep up on the latest and greatest coming from Ford and GM. Right now I am trying to figure out what I should have set aside by that time. Maybe I am off my rocker but I would think 500k would be a nice safe number. Should I be thinking more than 500k?

    Single Male - No Children - No intentions of ever getting married.


    How old are you now? If you invest well 500k would do it. If you can reach that by 45, and just do enough work to cover your bills, it should double by 55.

    Once the wife gets done with school in about 4 months we will be putting away ~80k a year.

  8. I bet he wishes he didnt sell it. That car is also high on my list along with a 70 mustang.

    So, are you a rapper or a NBA star?

    Unfortunately neither, I was bidding on this one and once it cracked 60 I stopped, I think I would have pissed off the wife buying a Bentley as a winter car.



  9. Watching Barrett-Jackson tonight and mine came across the stage.

    1972 Corvette coupe in Steel Cities Gray with the LT1 350 and a 4 speed.


    I know what you are thinking, lame! But it was the first Vette my dad bought when he was 25 in 1975 and it was the first hot rod (he had many) I remember him having.

    AAAND its a car I might be able to afford one day.

    So, what's yours? Post up a pic and why it's your dream car.

    My father in law has a 78 corvette anniversary edition pretty much new <3k miles.

    I am not sure that i have a "dream car", but I have driven lots of cars that I would like to own. In the next 12 months or less I will probably pick up a Bentley coupe.

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