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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. you didn't offend me, i just think your 'Judge 'em on their cars' opinion is dumb. ;) I think intuitively, people should know not to judge people by their cars. New cars are usually a dumb investment because of how quickly they devalue. How many people who 'can't afford' to pay for their children's food/clothes are rocking new escalades... I've seen a least a few. I've also known more people (I can think of several just off the top of my head) who are relatively rich who drive around old clunkers because cars are not where they want their money to go. So, if you're basing your opinion solely on vehicle, I think you may be pretty disappointed, and you'll probably miss out on some decent renters.

    I think he meant the condition of the interior of their vehicle, not how new it is. If someone has a clean car that is 15 years old it is an indicative of their respect for their possessions.

  2. Dunno, but you might consider a high tech cooling shirt underneath.

    None made in high neck, but long sleeve is available.

    It is supposed to drop surface temp 10-20 degrees.

    I've been thinking about trying it out.

    Columbia Omni Freeze


    Old school for neck is to wrap a wet bandana around. It works.

    C'mon you are slipping. This only works when humidity is low. It is humid in ohio Player

  3. She's always wanted to learn but never had the courage before I started talking to her about it. Zero experience on riding other than being on the back of mine lol. I already told her I won't push her limits at all, it's always at her own pace.

    I've been thinking that a 250 would be better but thought I'd ask.

    If she didn't have the courage to do it on her own then I wouldn't have pushed it. People get hurt in this sport and no one can ever say that I pushed them into it.

    Just my opinion so take it for what it is.

  4. As a public service announcement, NBC.COM has been hacked and is serving up malware on several pages. You'll hear more about this as the mainstream media grabs it...but for now...stay away from NBC.COM. The hackers still have access to their servers.

    You aren't reading old news from November 4th are you?

  5. Not a bad metric.

    Granted, we had help from student loans last year, but my wife and I survived on $42,000 in 2012.

    I am probably being far too judgmental, but I really question how some people spend their money. I know people who make more than my wife and I did COMBINED last year, and somehow they have massive credit card debt, and no assets to show for it... That just boggles my mind.

    Don't assume.

  6. :lol::lol::lol:

    I've always watched this many cartoons :p

    I'm mainly posting these kind of funnies due to this thread being flooded by ecards an other such things. These are more original (IMO) an I find them funny as hell :cool:

    Losing your virginity is awesome, I suggest you focus on making it happen. Time well spent

  7. There can be no compromise between freedom and government controls; to accept “just a few controls” is to surrender the principle of inalienable individual rights and to substitute for it the principle of the government’s unlimited, arbitrary power, thus delivering oneself into gradual enslavement. Ayn Rand

    • Upvote 1
  8. Lol I dont live paycheck to paycheck. I have $3500 chilling in my savings at any given point in time. I just dont have the full $5000 to give him nor would I want to completely drain my savings which is why I was looking for alternative ways to use my 0% credit card. I would do the half now, half in 3 weeks but he wants the whole amount. But Im just gonna wait it out and hope my tax lady was wrong.

    What is the sellers number?

  9. I want to fall onto a beach! I fell onto a 'my ampoules keep exploding and I don't have any data to present next month because my material is too unstable and I'm freaking out because I need it to work' working weekend. I'm hoping that I can roll downhill a little bit and land on 'my materials worked so i'm gonna play COD a little bit', but that is unlikely.

    Maybe i'll go to a tanning bed and pretend i'm at the beach for 10 mins.

    You could use the green bean data

  10. its vinyl, not tile. and even if it were asbestos, wouldn't a proper action be to cover it anyway and not disturb it?

    If it is VCT and contained absestos it could be identified by its size 9"x9" and would be adhered with a black asphalt based adhesive.

    Proper adhesion would require a latex modified thinset at a minimum.

    12x12 commercial tire can be easily removed by adding head and a flame spreader on a propane torch

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